From September 6 to 9, 2023, journalists from the Hauts-Bassins and Center region benefited from a training session on emergencies. Training session initiated by the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene.
The main objective of this training session for women and men in the media on health emergencies is to equip these actors with pathologies such as malaria, cholera and dengue fever. Specifically during these three days, the aim was to talk to media actors about the situation and the challenges of the fight against malaria, cholera and dengue fever in Burkina Faso.
If for cholera, there is nothing to worry about at the moment, there is nothing to worry about for dengue and malaria, the figures are giving a hard time. Between August 28 and September 3, 2023, 703 probable cases of dengue were recorded in Burkina Faso, including 330 in the Center region and 329 in the Hauts-Bassins region, according to the head doctor of the Boulmiougou health district. , Dr Wendkouni Abdoul Aziz Ouédraogo. Still According to him, 15 deaths were recorded over the same period, including six in the Hauts-Bassins and three in the Center.
Regarding Malaria, the permanent secretary for the elimination of malaria, Dr Sidzabda Christian Bernard, made it clear that 11 million 656 thousand 675 cases of malaria including 539,488 serious cases and 4,243 deaths were recorded in 2022. In view of these figures, the Director of Health and Population Protection, Dr Sidwaya Hamed Ouédraogo, invited media men and women to participate alongside the Ministry of Health in the fight against these diseases with content that raises awareness populations.
Aymeric THIS