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Extracting Breathable Air from Mars: NASA’s Experiment and the Potential for Human Exploration

Air can be extracted from the atmosphere of Mars that people can breathe. This is evident from an experiment by NASA on the red planet. The atmosphere contains the necessary elements to provide air that is not toxic to us.

The air on Mars contains mainly carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon. With that composition, life as we know it cannot survive. But other gases are also present, such as oxygen and hydrogen. In sufficient quantities they could support life.

The moving Mars robot Perseverance carried a small suitcase that repeatedly extracted air molecules from the atmosphere. These combined molecules formed a small but stable oxygen supply.

The square case, called MOXIE, has done a great job, according to NASA researcher Pam Melroy. “MOXIE’s performance shows that it is possible to extract oxygen from the Martian atmosphere. That oxygen can be used by future astronauts.”

The experiment with the oxygen generator may allow Mars missions to be expanded and human exploration missions can also be considered in the future. The development of these technologies can also contribute to long-term exploration on the moon, for example.

2023-09-16 12:57:37
#Mars #atmosphere #provide #air #humans #breathe #NASA #Science

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