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Putin Increases Personal Security Measures During Meeting with Kim Jong-un

Vladimir Putin strengthened personal security measures during a meeting with his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-un.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin probably doesn’t trust his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong Un. He increased personal security measures during the negotiations.

An eloquent moment demonstrating the fears of the dictator was caught on video. Footage available at Telegram channel “Ukraine 365”.

The meeting between the two dictators took place at the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Far East. The facility was cleared of random people, but despite this, Putin was surrounded by numerous employees of the Federal Security Service (FSO).

The moment of Putin’s farewell to Kim was indicative. The dictator of the Russian Federation was in a tight ring of 7 guards, although at that moment only proven propagandists were nearby, as well as the leader of the DPRK with his bodyguards.

Obviously, the head of the Russian Federation is in panic fear for his life.

Let us recall that recently the Kremlin press service, feigning people’s love for the dictator, began regularly releasing videos of Putin hugging “ordinary Russians” whom he “accidentally” meets on his trips. However, the density of his security at the meeting with Kim demonstrates that such videos are fake and staged.

Earlier, the Network “blew up” the moment at Putin’s meeting with Kim Jong-un.

We also wrote that there was a funny embarrassment at Putin’s meeting with Kim Jong-un.

2023-09-13 18:55:45
#Putin #demonstrated #fear #meeting #Kim #Jongun #important #moment #caught #video

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