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Unveiling the Mystery of the Gravitational Hole in the Indian Ocean: A Collapse of the Sea Floor

Scientists have discovered the mystery of birth gravitational hole in the Indian Ocean And they think The cause may be due to the sea floor collapsing.

What is the Indian Ocean geoid low (IOGL) under the Indian Ocean? What is a gravitational hole? Collapse marks or sinkholes in the Earth’s gravitational field. It is the point where the earth’s mass has a very low density. Until the force of gravity acting at that point is also abnormally low.

The gravitational hole beneath the Indian Ocean has an area of ​​approximately 3 million square kilometers. It is about 1,200 kilometers southwest of India because the gravity in this area is very weak. This makes sea levels above the gravitational hole approximately 106 meters lower than the global average.

The sunken area is caused by the Earth’s anatomy being flattened at the north and south poles. and the area along the equator has a bulge. Plus the factor that our world has different densities. Some areas are more dense than others. Therefore affecting the earth’s surface. and the Earth’s gravity

Image showing geoid altitudes around the world / Illustration European Space Agency

Scientists have been exploring gravitational holes since 1948 and have long puzzled scientists. Until May 5, 2023, scientists published a report in the journal Geophysical Research Letters on the cause of the gravitational hole, stating that Group of hot rocks deep in the earth It seeps up along the fault lines of the earth’s tectonic plates. Until the mantle and crust in those areas have lower densities than other places.

Go back in time to connect with current events.

to create a possible hypothesis The team of researchers created 19 models using a supercomputer. to simulate geological changes and the movement of tectonic plates in the Indian Ocean region The study goes back 140 years.

In academics, the gravitational hole in the Indian Ocean is called “gravitational hole”. “Indian Ocean Geoid Low – IOGL)” which is the lowest point in the geoid model. and the greatest gravitational anomaly occurred

Photo Thomas Vimare

Of the 19 computer models, six showed geoid lows similar to those in the Indian Ocean. The distinguishing factor in all six simulations is the low presence of hot rocks around the geoid. In the absence of hot rocks, A low geoid will not form. That means Hot rock melts in these mantles. It may be the key to creating gravity wells.

From the model, geological events were also found. The hot rocks in the area originate from the disappearance of ancient oceans. As the land mass of India moves and finally collided with Asia tens of millions of years ago.

Nibas Apu illustration

The continental plate that housed the Indian Ocean in the past was very different from today. There is an ocean between India and Asia. and when the Indian tectonic plate began to move northward Thus causing the ocean between the land to disappear. and India moved next to the Asian continent.

The Indian tectonic plate, which moved up and collided with the Asian continent, occurred in an event known as Subducting tectonic plates As a result, hot stones are created. and becomes a low-density object closer to the Earth’s surface until it becomes an area with low density and the force of gravity is also less This is probably the most plausible hypothesis. for the formation of gravitational holes

Searched and compiled Naphatthanai

Americans Ocean Photos

Reference information

Gravity Hole Discovered at Bottom of Indian Ocean


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