A woman in Chinese he spent three years holding 16 different jobs at the company without ever showing up for work. A maxi one fraud worth 7 million dollars, reported by the Chinese state newspaper Xinmin. The woman, named only by the pseudonym Guan Yue, kept track of all her hires on a sheet of paper, and when she interviewed for a new job, she posted photos of the interview on her companies’ job channels, claiming that he was meeting with clients. When she received more job offers than she could handle, she passed the job on to a friend, guaranteeing a commission on hiring her. Her husband also participated in the maxi-fraud with her.
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Millionaire earnings
With the earnings, which he paid into various bank accounts, Guan bought an apartment in Shanghai.
The scheme, which involved hundreds of companies, was revealed in January after a CEO of one of them noticed that one of his employees had let it slip that he was working for another company at the same time. The fraud ultimately involved 53 people, all of whom were arrested.
Fraud in China
According to the newspaper, employment fraud of this type is a huge problem in China, with around 700 to 800 groups routinely accepting multiple jobs from employers. They are, says the newspaper, experts in getting hired and boasting impeccable, even if false, CVs. When discovered, cases are rarely dealt with in criminal courts and are instead arbitrated through employment law, which groups are becoming increasingly adept at, the newspaper reported. In one case, a group infiltrated a company by successfully hiring one member as an HR manager, who then hired everyone else.
2023-09-10 10:06:51
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