Starring Raghava Lawrence, Kangana Ranaut Chandramukhi directed by P. Vasu as Thapatra 2s It was slated to release in theaters on October 28. Vadivelu, Lakshmi Menon, Mahima Nambiar, Radhika Sa Rath Kumar, Vignesh, Ravi Maria, Srishti Danke, Subhiksha, Y. G. Mahendran, Rao Ramesh, Sai Ayyappan, Sure Sh Menon, Shatru and TMM Karthik are the others who have started. R. D. Rajashekhar will handle the cinematography. Nnu. Yuga Bharati, Madan Karki, Vivek, Chaitanya Prasa MM Keeravani has composed the music for the lyrics. Black Produced by Subaskar under the banner of Laika Productions. No. Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada languages Lai’s film will be screened at P.R.O. Shabari.
Chandramukhi 2: Starring Raghava Lawrence and Kangana Ranaut – Release Date, Cast, and More
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