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Empowering Women: The Launch of Clandestines – A Feminist Self-Defense Network

After the assassination of a mother in April 2022, women from the Villejean district, in Rennes, decided to mobilize to help victims of violence come out of the silence, whatever their origins and their administrative situation and social.

Work in secret to break the silence. This is the motto of Clandestines, the new feminist self-defense network launched by the Kuné collective. These “Clandestines” are women from the Villejean district, with very diverse cultural and social origins, who have, at least, one thing in common: wanting to help women victims of domestic violence.

The Kuné collective (which means “together” in Esperanto) was born in 2020. During confinement, a small group of women offered to use their talents as seamstresses to make masks for the most vulnerable and students.

Noting the great dynamic, Régine Komokoli, one of them, suggests continuing joint actions by relying on the skills of each person. “My idea was to show that the women in the neighborhoods know how to do other things than just have children.” sums up the figurehead of the movement.

Kuné volunteers then began collecting toys for local children, then distributing solidarity meals to the elderly. But in April 2022 the collective takes another turn.

It was April 11, 2022 to be exact. It was on this day that Marie Thakizimana, a mother, died at the hands of her partner in a building in the Villejean district. “Everyone knew she was beaten ” Régine dared to say, who decided that day to no longer remain silent.

For Marie’s friends, for feminist activists, this is one assassination too many.

LIRE: Anger and incomprehension after the murder of Marie in Villejean

In tribute to the mother of the family, the Kuné collective then organizes a white march. It is also an opportunity to denounce the silence that reigns in the neighborhoods on the issues of domestic violence.

LIRE: Femicide in Rennes. 400 people gathered in memory of Mary

The effect is immediate. We were inundated with testimonies from women victims of domestic violence.” says Régine. This former battered woman cannot sit idly by. She encouraged the creation of a network of sentinels in the neighborhood.

It was clear that something was missing, says Régine. Despite all associations and official structures, women continue to die at the hands of their husbands ” she recalls. And among these victims, many women of foreign origin.

The departmental councilor of Ille et Vilaine is a former refugee from the Central African Republic, naturalized French. She knows what the isolation of women of foreign origin is like. “When a woman does not speak French well, she does not dare to cross the door of an association or an administration. She is totally dependent on her husband “.

The group of residents of Villejean decides to get involved in the fight against this scourge. “As victims, as witnesses, as citizens, we had to do our part of the work comments Kuné’s spokesperson.

The Kuné collective then launched a call for donations and managed to collect more than 2,000 euros to take action against sexist violence. Their first action consists of forming a group of women who listen attentively.

In spring 2023, nine women will follow this training. Nine women who speak 15 languages ​​and can listen, support and direct victims to professional structures, regardless of their language, religion, administrative or social situation.

They are now called the Clandestines because they will work undersea, the essential condition for the success of their action. A precaution also to protect themselves from intimidation of which they could be victims.

The Clandestines can now be reached, discreetly, in public places, on the market, after school or at the Villejean neighborhood center, which is now their host and partner. The collective can also count on the support of nearly 19 associations and structures including the collective All 35 of us.

This September 9, 2023, Régine Komokoli and some of the prominent members of the Kuné collective are organizing a meeting at the Villejean neighborhood center to present this first feminist self-defense network.

The idea is to make people talk about them, so that women know that they exist and dare to break the silence. “It is also so that fear changes sides and violent men tell themselves that they can no longer count on the silence of their victims. ” announces the Clandestines press release.

And “to this level we have already won, believes the feminist activist. People are talking about it in the neighborhood and we have heard from women who have seen their husbands’ behavior change since they learned of their links with the Kuné collective. she rejoices.

By communicating publicly, Kuné volunteers also want to thank anonymous donors who supported the initiative. They also hope that their approach will be emulated in other territories.

To contact the Kuné collective: rennes.kune@gmail.com

No listening to violenceASFAD : 02 99 54 44 88

2023-09-09 03:53:25
#Violence #women #Rennes #women #launch #selfdefense #network #free #speech #neighborhoods

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