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Aviation Topics: Controversy Surrounding Schiphol Contraction and Lelystad Airport Opening

Formally, it will not be voted on until September 12, but the I&W committee already drew up a list this morning of which topics should become controversial. Joost Eerdmans of JA21 proposed to set up the Schiphol contraction there as well, but there was no majority for that.

That comes as no surprise: insiders reported last week that the plans for Schiphol would probably not become controversial. A large majority supports them, including all left-wing parties and also the VVD and CDA.

The committee did decide to declare some other aviation topics, including the opening of Lelystad Airport and the airspace review, controversial. This means that a decision will only be made by a new cabinet.

For a long time, the aviation sector hoped that the House of Representatives would declare the contraction of Schiphol controversial. Now that that hasn’t happened, the fight against it isn’t over yet. Through the courts and the EU, the sector hopes to stop the contraction after all.


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2023-09-07 09:43:00
#Shrinkage #Schiphol #declared #controversial #Minister #Harbers #continue

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