Home » Health » Study Finds No Increased Risk of Premature Birth After Corona Vaccination During Pregnancy – Moeders van Morgen Lareb Research

Study Finds No Increased Risk of Premature Birth After Corona Vaccination During Pregnancy – Moeders van Morgen Lareb Research

Mothers of Tomorrow Lareb investigates the use of medicines and vaccinations in pregnant women

Research by Moeders van Morgen Lareb confirms that there is no increased risk of premature birth after a pregnant woman had a corona vaccine. This applies to vaccination in any trimester of pregnancy.

Mothers of Tomorrow Lareb investigates the use of medicines and vaccinations in pregnant women. They receive questionnaires about this during pregnancy. In this study, Moeders van Morgen followed 5,910 pregnant women in the period from February 2021 to August 2022. Within this large group of women, researchers examined whether and how often premature births occurred after a corona vaccination.

No greater risk of premature birth
Women with at least one corona vaccination were compared with women who had not received a vaccination during pregnancy. In total, this concerned a group of 5,226 participants who had had at least one corona vaccination. Almost all women (85%) received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. A smaller proportion received the Moderna vaccine (12%) and the other women received the AstraZeneca or the Janssen vaccine. The risk of preterm birth was no different in these women than in women who were not vaccinated.

Trimester didn’t matter
In which trimester the pregnant woman had had the corona vaccination was also included in the study. It made no difference whether the corona vaccination was given in the first, second or third trimester. The risk of preterm birth remained the same and was not higher than normal. The same applies to women who were vaccinated with a corona vaccine before they became pregnant.

Safe for mother and child
International research has already shown that vaccination with the corona vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna has no adverse consequences for the pregnancy and the child. This study by Moeders van Morgen confirms this for premature births.

Read more in the open acces publicatie in Frontiers in Drug Safety and Regulation

Bron: Lareb

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2023-09-07 10:00:32
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