Home » Health » Bizarre But Effective Home Remedies for Mild Ailments: Wet Socks and Honey Lemon Ginger Lozenges

Bizarre But Effective Home Remedies for Mild Ailments: Wet Socks and Honey Lemon Ginger Lozenges

For the treatment of relatively mild ailments – such as a cold, for example -, bizarre but effective remedies and procedures have traditionally been used since ancient times. Wet socks worn in bed are such an example.

Take a pair of socks, preferably made of cotton or wool (in no case made of synthetic fibers), soak them well in water and wring them out. Then pull the socks over your bare feet. At the first touch, the unpleasant feeling of cold appears, but in the future, put a pair of dry socks over the wet pair.

Get into bed, under the covers, making sure that your feet stay warm and even give a pleasant sensation. Afterwards, you should find that the initially wet pair of socks is completely dry.

By doing so, the body’s natural immunity is increased, while blood circulation to the legs is stimulated and, simultaneously, the congestion in the head area is relieved. Last but not least, the procedure contributes to the elimination of toxins from the body.
Another old home remedy for colds, coughs and sore throats requires making a kind of lozenges from honey, lemon and ginger. They will relieve the pain in the neck, while giving a general comfortable state.

Put a cup of white granulated sugar and half a cup of water in a pot on the stove/stove. Add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice (for vitamin C) and a teaspoon of honey (antibacterial that soothes sore throats and acts to eliminate coughs naturally). Then add a teaspoon and a half of ground ginger (it acts as an anti-inflammatory, helps maintain the immune system, relieves pain and eliminates nausea). Add a quarter of a teaspoon of ground cloves (they reduce secretions from the throat, have antiseptic properties and contain antioxidants). Boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes, mixing well, regularly. After the ingredients have boiled, let the composition cool down in the bowl. This will form a very thick, consistent syrup.

To dose the preparation and give it an acceptable shape, take a teaspoon of it and place it on a sheet of parchment, where it is allowed to harden, then sift powdered sugar over the respective “pills” so that they do not stick each other. They are used as needed, being pleasant to the taste, like candy.

2023-09-06 15:37:47
#Ancient #treatments #colds

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