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Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection Visits Graz University Hospital and Discusses Current Challenges in the Health Sector

Graz (September 5, 2023).- Visited this Tuesday (September 5, 2023). John Rauch, Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, the Graz University Hospital. He used the stopover on his tour of the federal states to talk to employees and managers at the LKH-Univ. to run the Graz Clinic. A tour of the children’s center (Univ. Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and Univ. Clinic for Pediatric Surgery) and the University Clinic for Internal Medicine was also part of the program – as well as a short detour to the “Summer School”, a training program for young doctors that takes place every year in the simulation center of the KAGes. At the end, State Councilor invited Juliane Bogner Strauss for an exchange with the Federal Minister next to KAGes CEO Gerald Stark and KAGes CFO Ulf Drabek and medical director Wolfgang KoleDirector of Nursing Gabriele Moestl as well as operations director deputy Herbert Kogler also representatives from nursing and medical professions as well as the rector of the Med Uni Graz and those responsible in the hospital care of the KAGes. In this way, Federal Minister Rauch was able to be given an impressive picture of the current situation and the current and future challenges in the health sector in Styria and in particular at the University Hospital Graz.

“Lack of nursing staff, closed wards and overwork. The exchange with the health and nursing staff made it clear to me once again how urgently the health care reform I was aiming for is needed. This is the only way we can ensure the quality of medical care not only in Styria, but throughout Austria in the long term. I was particularly moved by the level of commitment with which doctors and nurses face the current challenges here. In order to create the best possible working conditions and thus guarantee the best care for patients, all players must pull together when it comes to financial equalization,” summarizes Health and Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch.

State Councilor Juliane Bogner-Strauß thanked the Federal Minister for the intensive exchange: “It is good for all of us to hear appreciative words for the daily work here at the university hospital. Thank you also for listening to the many concerns and topics from nursing and the medical profession. Even with different competencies, we remain partners in dialogue in order to ensure the best possible care for everyone.”

Graz am 5. September 2023

2023-09-05 13:51:37
#Federal #Minister #Johannes #Rauch #visiting #Graz #University #Hospital

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