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The Meaning of Astrophile and Other Philes: A Guide for Astronomy Enthusiasts


Astrophile may be a term that is foreign to us. Astrophile is a term for people who like things about the sky and celestial bodies.

Astrophiles are also called astrophilia. Find out how this term came to be and see other uses of the suffix ‘phile’ and their meanings in this article.

What is an Astrophile?

The term astrophy comes from the Greek. In language, “astro” means star and “philos” means love. The term was used in the early 19th century by the French astronomer and writer Camille Flammarion.

According to The Free Dictionary, an astrophe is someone who is very interested in lore.

Meanwhile, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, an astrophile is someone who likes star knowledge, or can be called an amateur astronomer.

Reporting from the Management Note site, astrophiles can spend the night gazing at the stars and researching things about outer space and the universe.

They even often have activities with fellow astrophyle communities. Its members share knowledge about this. If you have the above characteristics, you may be an astrophyle.

Other Philes and Their Meanings

Quoted from the Grammarist site, “-phile” or “-philia” is a suffix or suffix that means something or someone who likes, enjoys, or is interested in something.

In Indonesian, this suffix is ​​absorbed into -fil which is commonly found in various words. For example, the word pedophile means a person who has an interest in children, but this term has a special meaning in sexual disorders with children as objects.

Here are some terms with -phile or -fil suffixes and their meanings quoted from Youth Ki Awaaz:

Arithmophile: fond of numbers Autophile: fond of being alone or alone Bibliophile: fond of books Catoptrophile: fond of mirrors Cyclophile: fond of bicycles Epistemophile: fond of knowledge Geliophile: loves to laugh Leukophile: fond of white Megalophile: fond of big things Microphile: fond of small things Neophile : fond of something new Oneirophile: fond of dreams Thalassophile: fond of the sea

So, we already know that an astrophyle is a person who is very interested in the knowledge of stars so that he can be called an amateur astronomer. Are you also an astrophysic detikers?

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2023-09-04 11:45:00
#Astrophile #lover #astronomy #meanings #terms #Phile

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