Home » Business » The Challenges Facing National Old-Age Insurance Fund Agents with the New Pension Reform

The Challenges Facing National Old-Age Insurance Fund Agents with the New Pension Reform

The pressure weighing on them has just increased even though they already found it to be high. With the entry into force – from 1is September – of the pension reform, the some 14,400 agents of the National Old-Age Insurance Fund (CNAV) are facing increased difficulties, according to the unions that represent them. They had to familiarize themselves in a few weeks with the new legislation, in working conditions considered to be poor and against the backdrop of unsatisfied wage demands. “There is an explosive cocktail”supports Romain Rivière, CGT union representative.

The CNAV is the main scheme of our pay-as-you-go system. It manages the basic pension of private sector employees, self-employed workers, public-law contract workers and artist-authors. That is about fifteen million individuals to whom a benefit is paid, under provisions that have been thoroughly revised by the reform promulgated on April 14: lowering of the legal retirement age, increase in the contribution period required for several generations, revaluation of small pensions, extension of the conditions of access to the long career system which allows those who started working young to retire early, etc.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pensions: by publishing the first implementing decrees, the government is putting its reform into practice

“For the moment, things are going well, overall, in the processing of requests, even if some of them are put on hold because they require clarification on certain regulatory points”, says Grégory Thomas, CFTC central union representative – the number one organization at the CNAV. But all is not rosy, far from it, he continues. Before the implementation of the law of April 14, the stock of files to be liquidated was important in many regions, due to a lack of staff, according to Mr. Thomas.

“The context was already not healthy, with great fatigue within the teams, as expert reports on psychosocial risks have shown”completes Florence Puget, CFDT national secretary, alluding to an audit carried out by the firm Explicite SCT, at the request of elected staff, after a suicide attempt on the premises of the CNAV, at the end of 2021. This investigation had revealed a “mental load, stress and chronic overload”attributable to the “complexity” and to “work intensity”.

“The calendar is very heavy”

Added to this today is the number « incalculable » new and hyper-technical measures, which must be “ingest”consider Mme Puget. However, the apprenticeship was carried out at a forced march, according to the organizations of employees. “The agents have not received all the necessary training and instructions, which is causing concern”estimates Karim El Hachmi, general secretary of l’UNSA-CNAV. “The schedule is very heavy, people had to train during the summer, with a lot of application decrees that fell in July and August. It all happened haphazardly.”laments Mr. Rivière.

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2023-09-04 17:23:34
#oldage #insurance #pension #reform #accentuates #malaise #staff

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