This holiday weekend, the weather favors bathers who want to enjoy the beaches of our city.
“The beach is delicious, the temperature is perfect, the sea is a bit aggressive, but I love it,” said Cruz Yaneth.
On the beach in the Rockaways, however, before many took a dip, members of the city’s Parks department warned that there is a high risk of strong currents of water that flow near the seashore, known as rip currents. .
For this reason, the agency recommends bathers to be aware of these currents if they plan to get into the water.
“If someone seems to be in trouble, ask for help,” said Eric Paterson, Rockaway Park manager.
Paterson says that these strong currents that are felt on the beaches come from hurricanes that have hit the south of the country.
And that they may be out to sea.
However, its impact causes big waves locally. Something that should keep bathers on their toes.
“You have to be very careful, enjoy yourself but not too far in because the danger is evident,” said Fernando Pabón, a bather.
“Caution above all with children, do not get too deep, keep an eye on the children and avoid strong waves,” said Yartur Figueroa.
According to members of the Parks department, less than 50 percent of the beaches in the Rockaways are open for swimming due to ongoing construction taking place in some sections, as well as a lack of lifeguards.
The lifeguards will be working until September 10.
“If you’re careful, why not? They’re very careful, you always have to be careful, of course, I love the sea as long as you’re careful, it’s fine,” said Inma Heredia.
In case you find yourself caught in a rip current, the city’s Parks department gives the following tips to escape it:
*. Relax, the rip current doesn’t sink you.
* Do not swim against the current.
* Swim out of the current and then towards the shore.
* If you can’t escape, stay afloat or pedal.
* If you need help, shout or wave your arms.
Conditions are expected to improve by the weekend. The city is also warning New Yorkers not to swim alone.
2023-09-02 12:33:00
#Good #weather #bathers #holiday #weekends