Home » Health » The Importance of Cat Vaccinations: Should Vaccinations be Mandatory for Cats?

The Importance of Cat Vaccinations: Should Vaccinations be Mandatory for Cats?

Most pet owners are aware that vaccination is necessary, although perhaps not required. The rabies and polyvalent vaccine is essential in adult dogs, with others such as leishmaniosis being recommended, although not required. But what about cats? Susana Blanco, a veterinarian from the Logroño City Council, warns that in La Rioja it is not mandatory to vaccinate cats, although in neighboring communities it is mandatory to do so against rabies. “It should be mandatory, as it is in dogs every two years, when rabies can affect any type of vertebrate, and more because of the family and external life that pets have,” considers Susana Blanco.

It may be that not having to vaccinate cats corresponds to the usual life of domestic cats, which do not leave the house, but apart from the fact that more and more people walk them, there are also colonies that live abroad. “Until recently, not even in the Basque Country and Catalonia was the rabies vaccine mandatory for dogs, however, in Navarra it is even mandatory for cats. Each community has governed as it has deemed appropriate, but I believe that the rabies vaccine should be mandatory in dogs, cats, and ferrets. And yearly, unless the vaccine is valid for two”, declares Susana Blanco. The mandatory nature of the vaccine also means that the animal goes to the vet, which exercises control over the welfare of the animal.

«Many owners decide not to vaccinate because the cat does not go outside, but the clear and explicit advice of the International Society of Feline Medicine is to follow the veterinary chart according to the needs of the animals. Logically, if the animals go out, they have to be vaccinated more than those that don’t. In any case, all animals must be vaccinated at least once a year, especially since we take the opportunity to carry out a control, a weighing, a check of the mouth and teeth, ears… An examination that would not be done otherwise» , explains Carlos Bustillo, veterinarian at the Bustillo Veterinarians clinic in Logroño. In this sense, it is best to let us be advised by a registered veterinarian so that, depending on the legislation in force in the community where we live and the circumstances and health of the animal, in this specific case of cats, tell us if we should vaccinate or not.

Your health, our health

However, we must always be aware that the health of our pet not only affects the animal, but also ours, since we live with them. “There are two common vaccines, the trivalent and feline leukemia, which are the ones we give most commonly, although if you have contact with the outside world, we recommend vaccinating more. What is essential is that before vaccinations, when the cat is a puppy, a feline leukemia and immunodeficiency serology is performed to detect if they are negative because, if they are positive, not only will the vaccine not be effective, but also, It is not recommended, “says Calos Bustillo.

The recent repeal of the Animal Welfare Law of La Rioja has caused a legal vacuum in the region, although not in Logroño, where the municipal ordinance specifies that “all dogs residing in the municipal area have the obligation to be vaccinated against rabies from three months of age, having to be revaccinated every two years”, without obliging anything in terms of cats. The Animal Welfare Law that will enter into force on September 29 is not clear in this regard since it only urges them to “facilitate the veterinary controls and treatments established as mandatory by public administrations”, so it seems that it will continue to depend on the autonomies. Among the unspecified obligations, it is marked “provide the animal with the necessary health care to guarantee its health and, in any case, those stipulated as mandatory according to its specific regulations, as well as provide it with a veterinary examination, with the periodicity determined by regulation.” , which must be duly documented, where appropriate, in the corresponding identification record.”

2023-09-02 18:02:10
#Cats #lives #compulsory #vaccination

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