Head of the North Sumatra Family Welfare Empowerment Team (TP PKK) Nawal Lubis invites the community, especially mothers to support the successful implementation of immunization human papilomavirus vaccine (HPV), because it is very important for early cervical cancer prevention.
“This type of vaccine can help protect women from Papilloma Virus infection, which is the main cause of cervical cancer (cervical cancer). So, we are targeting children who are entering their teenage years,” said Nawal Lubis while reviewing the administration of vaccines to 50 female students at the Pilot Public Elementary School (SD) in Medan, Friday.
According to Nawal, cervical cancer is the second highest cause of death and is also one of the biggest health financing burdens in Indonesia. Even though it has a high risk of death, cervical cancer can be prevented, one of which is by administering the HPV immunization.
For this reason, Nawal hopes that there will no longer be people who refuse, especially mothers who have daughters aged 11 and 12 years to be able to take advantage of this government program.
“We are successful and taking advantage of the HPV immunization program, it’s free, if the costs are outside the government, it’s expensive. Parents, schools and the wider community must also support. My message to my beloved children, don’t miss this HPV immunization. Because this is one of our efforts and forms of affection so that you are protected from the dangers of cervical cancer, and can become a generation that is healthy, superior and dignified,” said Nawal.
The Head of the North Sumatra Health Office, Alwi Mujahit Hasibuan, said that giving HPV immunization is to prevent the increase in cervical cancer for women from an early age. This administration is carried out twice with an interval of 1 year since the first dose was injected.
“So, we hope that all girls aged 11 to 12 years are obliged to get this, both at school and outside of school, such as street children, orphanage children, child prisoners, refugees, children who have dropped out of school and those with special needs, so that they avoid disease. cervical cancer,” he said.
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He said the North Sumatra Health Office is targeting as many as 135,445 girls to get this HPV vaccine free of charge.
The Principal of Pilot Medan Elementary School Paujia Rosmini welcomed this program and hoped that the students would be more aware of responding to this program, because it is the government’s effort to prevent the dangers of cervical cancer from an early age through HPV immunization.
“Alhamdulillah, none of our parents and children in grade 5 refused. So, the success of this program needs our support, especially for parents who have daughters, they must give encouragement so that the children they love can be healthy and avoid cervical cancer,” he said.
Editor : Riza Mulyadi
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News North Sumatra 2023
2023-09-01 13:34:45
#North #Sumatra #TPPKK #invites #people #succeed #HPV #immunization #prevent #cancer #ANTARA #News #North #Sumatra