Maybe you know it: you are looking forward to co-sleeping with your new born offspring, then lie awake for hours because of all the sounds your baby makes. Why are they actually doing that?
As a parent you are often very focused on your baby’s sleep – and yourself. For example, you want a safe room and it is important for many parents that a child sleeps through as quickly as possible. But what many new parents don’t consider in advance is the amount of sounds your baby produces in their sleep. Sometimes you even start to doubt the strange (and sometimes alarming) noises coming from the crib. The good news: These sleep sounds in babies are quite normal and rarely a cause for concern. Read all about the reasons behind common baby sleeping noises, such as growling, moaning, gurgling and snorting, below.
Noisy sleepers
First of all, every baby and toddler is different of course, so it also depends on your child if they are a loud sleeper. The peak of nighttime sounds is often during the first few months of life, in part because your baby’s digestive and respiratory systems are still developing. Some factors that contribute to baby sleeping sounds:
Babies learn to regulate their breathing, which can lead to strange noises Newborn babies breathe through their noses and small nasal passages quickly become clogged, so a cold can lead to extra sounds Your baby’s digestive system is still developing, so sounds can occurs with hunger, flatulence or bowel movements Babies have short sleep cycles and constantly switch between the different sleep phases Babies experience more REM sleep than adults and in this phase everyone experiences more irregular breathing, muscle twitching and eyes moving under the eyelids
The sleep sounds often diminish somewhat between 4 and 6 months due to progression in their development and maturing sleep cycles. By the end of the first year, all noises have actually stopped, although some little ones continue to snore nicely.
What Sounds Do Babies Make When They Sleep?
It is sometimes almost unbelievable that that sound comes from your child. But many young babies are very noisy during afternoon naps or nighttime sleep sessions. Here are some common noises and the reasons behind them:
Irregular breathing
Babies are still learning to regulate their respiratory system and have narrow airways, sometimes causing small periods of irregular breathing (faster, slower, paused). This is usually not a cause for concern unless breathing is labored.
Babies may moan during the transition between different stages of sleep. You can blame the natural disruptions that occur as babies develop a consistent sleep rhythm.
While moaning and sighing are cute baby sleep sounds, gargling may not be so cute. According to pediatricians, they gargle because swallowing reflexes are not yet fully developed, so they slurp some milk or part of their saliva while sleeping. It’s not a pleasant sound.
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Growling helps babies regulate their breathing and maintain a steady supply of oxygen throughout the night. This baby sleep sound is also associated with bowel movements.
Sniffing is a sound made in the back of the baby’s throat. Babies usually breathe through their noses, so sniffing is common as they learn how to coordinate breathing and swallowing.
Stomach rumbles
Your baby’s digestive system is still developing, and this can cause rumbling or gurgling noises during sleep.
Lip smacking and sucking
Smelling or sucking noises are also common at night. These baby sleeping sounds usually indicate hunger, so be prepared for a feeding session.
When do you ring the bell?
Do you doubt certain sleeping sounds your child makes? Always call the doctor. Here are some situations that require immediate emergency care, as they may indicate the RSV virus, respiratory distress, or another health problem:
Labored or rapid breathing (twitching of muscles around the fuck and/or moaning/growling at the end of a breath) Wheezing Blue or noticeably different color of the face, lips, or body Drawn-in chest and/or flared nostrils (nostrils) ) Pauses in breathing (breathing stops) that last longer than usual
2023-08-31 11:00:59
#babies #noise #sleep