Home » World » Climate Change Could Claim Nearly 1 Billion Lives if Global Warming Rises by 2 Degrees Celsius, Reveals New Study

Climate Change Could Claim Nearly 1 Billion Lives if Global Warming Rises by 2 Degrees Celsius, Reveals New Study

Climate change could kill nearly 1 billion people over the next century if global warming rises by two degrees Celsius, study finds. This is clarified in a new study published in the journal Energies. The study also shows that climate change is entering its peak season.

Current climate change is entirely man-made. Carbon emissions are said to be the main cause of climate change. The study points out that the oil and gas industry is responsible for more than 40 percent of carbon emissions. The study shows that billions of people in low-resource societies will be severely affected by climate change.

‘Burning 1,000 tonnes of fossil carbon will result in one premature death every time in the future. This figure is called the ‘1000 ton rule’. According to this estimate, 100 crore people will have to succumb to death in the next century. So we have to look seriously and act quickly against it.’- said Joshua Pearce, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He explained that the only way to reduce the magnitude of this danger is to avoid the use of fossil fuels and look for alternatives.

Content Highlights: Climate Change | Climate | Global Warming

#billion #people #die #century #climate #change
2023-08-31 14:30:03

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