A crisis, a tragic event will make the front page of the news channels for days, weeks, and then overnight: nothing. As if everything was finally over. While for the victims, the consequences of these tragedies are long term. In its latest campaign, Handicap International invites the public to take a step back and ask themselves questions about the frenetic pace of current affairs as well as the notion of long-term commitment.
This communication campaign – designed by the Strike agency and produced by Olivier Staub – was produced using real-time 3D technology in France – usually used in the video game and cinema sectors. DUST teams were chosen for production and filming; while the technical aspects, with the pre-production for the 3D sets then the special effects and the post-production, were entrusted to Digital District. The film was entirely made in virtual production with an LED wall. The print version was produced by photographer Samuel Guigues with the support of the Feel Good retouching studio.
« We wanted a campaign that gives food for thought. It is a question of making apparent the contrast between the overexposure of a crisis at a given moment, and the often forgotten long-term response that it implies. », explains Sylvain Ogier, director of communication at Handicap International. The campaign is currently broadcast in all the countries of the Handicap International network (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Switzerland), on various communication media (TV, cinema, press inserts, display, digital, social networks).
Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, Rwandan genocide, tsunami in Southeast Asia, earthquake in Haiti, war in Syria: for more than 40 years, the NGO has been committed alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, by acting and by testifying to meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
2023-08-30 22:23:09
#Handicap #International #work #Breaking #News