Home » News » Ukrainian Armed Forces Counter Russian Offensive as Shelling of Civilian Cities Continues: Updates on 553 Days of Conflict

Ukrainian Armed Forces Counter Russian Offensive as Shelling of Civilian Cities Continues: Updates on 553 Days of Conflict

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to go on a counteroffensive in the South and East, while the Russian military fails and tries to advance to no avail. In addition, shelling of peaceful cities by the invaders does not stop.

Russia is deeply mistaken if it thinks that it will be able to defeat the Ukrainian army. Read in this article 24 channels the most important thing for August 30, 553 days of the great war.

See also Armed Forces of Ukraine advance on Zaporozhye, Ukraine returned the bodies of defenders: chronology of 552 days of the war

23:49 The journalists of “Schemes” have established who the woman who was in the car during the shooting in the Dnieper was. The violator turned out to be 22-year-old Tatiana Patinka. She is preparing to report suspicion.23:44 Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov said that the mobilization is going according to plan. There are no plans to call up 300,000 people at the same time.23:26 The presidential representative in Verkhovna Rada, a member of the parliamentary committee on security and defense, Fyodor Venislavsky, said that tens of thousands of people could receive fake certificates from the VLK. However, they will not get away from the call for a bribe.23:20 Loud explosions were heard in Bryansk. After that, a fire broke out near the local television center.22:30 Vladimir Zelensky addressed the Ukrainians. In particular, he spoke about the punishment of bribe-takers in the field of air defense and negotiations on additional air defense systems.

Watch the appeal of Volodymyr Zelensky: video

22:25 Some Ukrainian pilots have already successfully completed preparatory activities while training on the F-16 in Denmark. They can already start flight training.22:24 Explosions thundered in temporarily occupied Feodosia. It was also restless in Alushta.22:11 In Zaporozhye, an explosion was heard during an air raid. There has not yet been any official information about the causes of the sounds.21:55 During the performance of a combat mission in the Bakhmut direction, 6 Ukrainian pilots were killed. All of them had officer ranks.21:27 Germany has provided Ukraine with new aid. The package includes: 10 Leopard 1A5 tanks; one TRML-4D radar; 16 Vector reconnaissance UAVs; four HX81 tank transporters and four semi-trailers for them; over 13 million small arms ammunition; field hospital.
20:40 In Belarus, the conflict between terrorist instructors from the PMC “Wagner” and representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic at the Volovshchina training ground is aggravated. The policemen of the Lukashenko regime refuse to work with former prisoners and criminals and are intimidated by their bloody methods of carrying out tasks.20:29 In the Kupyansk direction, there are Russians in the assault detachments of the invaders, who were mobilized just a month ago.20:04 The president promised consequences for men who went abroad with false certificates from the VVK about unfitness for service.19:58 A man who took his wife and young daughter hostage in Chernomorsk was detained.19:55 Alcohol was found in the blood of the violator, who was shot by a Dnipro patrol.19:10 The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that during the day the enemy launched 30 missile and 52 air strikes, made 35 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on the positions of our troops and settlements. As a result of Russian terrorist attacks, unfortunately, there are dead and wounded among the civilian population. Residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed.
19:00 Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, at which he made important decisions regarding military medical commissions. In particular, he ordered a comprehensive review of the validity of the decisions of the VLK regarding disability and unfitness for military service, which have been taken since the beginning of the Russian invasion, and which may be associated with corruption violations.18:59 “Schemes” published an extended video of the shooting in the Dnieper. The 8.5-minute video supplements the one published by the Patrol Police.

Extended footage of the incident in Dnipro: watch the video (Attention! There is obscene language)

18:39 A man shot dead in the Dnieper threatened a patrol. In particular, he said that the police allegedly “would be fucked” when his lawyer arrived. After that, the intruder smashed her face.18:15 The Patrol Police showed a video from the body cameras of the police, which shows the entire shooting incident in the Dnieper.

Watch the video from the patrol body cameras (video 18+, there is profanity)

18:03 Igor Klymenko reacted to a skirmish in Dnipro, during which a policeman shot a man. He stated that the investigation should look into the situation. The minister stressed that everyone must comply with the law and established norms – and in no case should they beat the police.17:43 The Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated Rabotino for 3 months – the Ukrainians conducted a continuous assault. During this time, they passed kilometers of minefields and broke through the defenses, which the battalion could not overcome. For the de-occupation of the settlement, a group of 31 motivated fighters with no experience was organized. These people have done the work of a whole battalion.17:20 The European Commission already has a plan to use Russia’s frozen money in favor of Ukraine. However, until it is announced, the dates will not be announced either.16:23 Mayor of Dnipro Boris Filantov reacted to the shooting incident in Dnipro. According to him, no one should open their hands to people in uniform. He stressed that everyone is equal before the law. In this situation, the authorities are on the side of the police.

15:54 An informal meeting of the Council of EU Defense Ministers is taking place in Toledo, Spain. The most important issue is assistance to Ukraine. The leaders of the Ministry of Defense of the countries noted their assistance in the war against Russia and expressed their readiness to help further.

The conversation also touched upon strengthening the defense industry and supporting European security. The European Union will produce more than 1 million ammunition annually.

15:26 From under the rubble of a residential building in Kurakhovo, Donetsk region, which was hit by a rocket at night, a dead person was pulled out. The total number of wounded has increased to 8. Currently, rescue and search operations have been completed.

In addition, at about 14:00 they struck at the outskirts of the city – there were no casualties.

15:16 New details have emerged in the case of the man shot dead by a policeman in Dnipro. There was still a man behind the wheel of a car that violated the rules of the road. Earlier it was reported that the Jaguar was driven by a woman.14:49 The Special Operations Forces ridiculed the Russians, who announced the “catastrophic losses” of the Ukrainians. They are ironic that last night the occupiers killed about 12,000 operators of the 73rd SOF center of Ukraine, armed with combat dolphins, moles and chinchillas, who attempted to land on the Crimean coast. Russia allegedly counterattacked with military boomerangs. Therefore, our warriors were forced to invite the support of the Death Star and the fleet of the galactic empire.13:12 The police and the SBU detained the scandalous fitness trainer Roman Zavoloka in Poltava. The guy publicly insulted the veteran and even spat in his face.12:51 The GUR confirmed the destruction of four Il-76 cargo planes during the attack on Pskov. It is also known about the damage to other aircraft – how many of them are still unknown. 12:48 From September 1, catering establishments in Kyiv will work an hour longer – until 23:00. The corresponding decision was made by the Kyiv Defense Council. 11:35 At night, at about 2:30, the Russians attacked the village of Bagatyr in the Donetsk region with 5 rockets. A man died. Three private houses and a hangar were damaged. During the day, law enforcement officers recorded 23 attacks on the civilian population – it is known about 9 wounded.11:00 In Bryansk, explosions were heard at night and in the morning in the areas of three objects: a plant where microelectronics are produced; investigative committee and TV tower. The media reports fires and damage.10:42 The commander of the Ground Forces, Syrsky, stated that in the Kupyansko-Limansky direction, the invaders are trying to attack in the areas of the settlements of Raigorodka and Kovalevka, but they are being held back by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.10:36 As a result of a night attack on Kyiv, the Auchan was damaged in the Darnytskyi district. Representatives of the State Emergency Service extinguished the fire on the roof of the shopping center building.10:21 Advisor to the mayor of Mariupol, Petr Andryushchenko, said that it was loud in the city – that is, there were explosions. The invaders tried to defend themselves with leaky air defense.10:17 The SBU worked on Kadyrov’s men and collaborators in the Zaporozhye region. Actually, they flew in through the so-called “electoral precinct”, in which there were more than 30 traitors. But the Kadyrovites played the role of building guards.09:51 Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said that the enemy is trapped in Bakhmut and can neither leave the city nor move around it. At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to advance in this direction in the areas of Klishchievka, Kurdyumovka and Andreevka.

09:12 A video is circulating on the net of how Russian Il-76 cargo planes are on fire at the airfield in Pskov, as a result of a night attack by drones.

Fire at the airport in Pskov: watch the video

09:06 The authorities reported on the successful work of air defense in the Cherkasy and Nikolaev regions during a massive night strike.

08:45 The Air Force reported that they shot down all 28 cruise missiles that Russia launched at night, and 15 of 16 attack drones. This is about:

X-101/X-555/X-55 missiles from 11 Tu-95ms strategic aircraft launched by the invaders from the Caspian Sea and Engels, Shahed-136/131 UAVs from the southern and northern directions; that is, the territories of Primorsko-Akhtarsky and Kursk.
07:38 The Zhytomyr District Police Department stated that as a result of a UAV fragment hit in the region, one of the infrastructure facilities and the railway track were damaged. Representatives of the State Emergency Service quickly eliminated the fires.07:34 The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 570 invaders were eliminated over the past day. In total, since the beginning of a large-scale war – 262,410 soldiers.07:17
It became known that two of those who died because of the attack on Kyiv are the security guards of the enterprise. One man was 26 years old and the other 36. The number of victims rose to three.06:33 The KMVA reported that it was possible to shoot down more than 20 targets flying to the capital. We are talking about drones of the Shahed type and missiles that the enemy launched from Tu-95ms bombers.06:04 As a result of the rocket attack on Kyiv, a fire broke out. The mayor said that fragments of downed targets fell in at least two districts: Darnitsky and Shevchenkovsky. Unfortunately, there are 2 injured and 2 victims.

05:43 The end of the air raid alarm was heard, which lasted almost throughout the night with varying intervals in different areas.

There have been reports of launches of Shahed-type drones, as well as cruise missiles. In particular, the results of the work of air defense were heard by residents of the Kyiv and Cherkasy regions.

03:14 The Russians report that a “Ukrainian drone” was allegedly shot down in Ryazan. At the same time, the so-called “governor” of the occupied Crimea writes about “air defense work” in the area of ​​the Sevastopol Bay. According to him, the systems are “working out” on drones flying from the sea.02:57 The Russians fired Kalibr missiles in the Odessa region. A series of explosions was heard by residents of the region.01:21 It was loud in the Bryansk and Tula regions of Russia. The propagandists claim that the air defense is allegedly “successful”. There are also reports of drones allegedly flying towards Moscow.01:03 The media write about powerful explosions at the Russian airfield in Pskov, as a result of which a large-scale fire broke out. Probably 4 Il-76 cargo planes were damaged.
2023-08-30 21:18:00

#Pskov #airfield #latest #news #August

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