Home » News » Jaanus Karilaid: Every hour that Kaja Kallas spends on extending her powerhouse makes Russki Mir fans happy

Jaanus Karilaid: Every hour that Kaja Kallas spends on extending her powerhouse makes Russki Mir fans happy

Both Eesti 200 and the Reform Party powerfully and skilfully gathered political capital from helping Ukraine. As much help as possible to Ukraine, always at the maximum and in the front row. Russia must be isolated and paralyzed until Ukraine wins!

Both drums provided suggestive rhythms in the hands of these political parties on the way to the elections. And the votes came, 51 mandates after two. Part of Slava Ukrain’s money went to the left, and the former head of this NGO took responsibility without waiting for the end of the proceedings.

Kallas, however, doesn’t want to follow him yet, because everything was still too beautiful. The talk about political culture applies to others, it was nice to accuse Jüri Ratas of holding onto the chair, it was nice to applaud show’le “drinks in the car”. But if Kaja Kallas has waved around Europe for a year and even shouted in the loudest voice about blocking the Russian economy, now, when the prime minister’s family business in the direction of Russia is exposed, Kaja Kallas decides that the harsh rules should apply to others, that others should suffer. Doing business with Putin’s Russia is fine.

Even worse than the collapse of the Prime Minister’s personal reputation is the impact of his family business on Estonian society as a whole.

Although Kaja Kallas may formally be the prime minister and parliamentary mathematics gives unwarranted cheekiness, but in reality she gives a big blow to the Estonianization of Estonia and this is an unforgivable mistake.

Not only that in the background there is the cancellation of Mustonen, the silence of Kanep and the disproportionate punishment of Eamets, but also doing a disservice to the Estonian Russians here. Hypocrisy is noticed by all the peoples here, and each of them has its own disappointments, some even joy.

The backlash is pervasive and the damage to the unity of society is embarrassingly great. Both Solovyov and the entire Putin court get their bite – see, their prime minister may rhetorically get fired up, but in practical life he gives his personal money so that his wife can help a company that collects welfare from the aggressor state.

Russian propagandists can always say that even the Estonian Prime Minister’s family cannot do without Russia and that Estonian leaders need to go to Russia to earn their bloody bread. The words and deeds are so much at odds that the delay in the resignation raises doubts about the morbid self-admiration of the leadership of the Reform Party, which eats away the country’s dignity in hours.

Every hour that Kaja Kallas spends today to extend her hold on power is damaging Estonia’s positions internationally and will probably make the Russki Mir fans here happy too. Their flame was just starting to go out and it’s amazing that Kaja Kalla doesn’t realize the real negative effects of her power grab.

In addition, our prime minister also threatened Ukraine’s victory against Russia and damaged Estonia’s positions in helping Ukraine – how can Estonia demand the isolation of Russia’s economy on the international stage in the same tone?

Also, both the Reform Party and Estonia 200, which gained an undeserved large vote share with the help of the Ukraine issue, have destroyed the trust of the Estonian people in the state and their leaders. The mandate given to both political parties by the people has essentially been cheated today.

The Reform Party still has leadership candidates, take action – don’t worry, the Center Party is straightening its ranks today. We’ll get back to you later. For now, however, you can continue in this coalition with a new prime minister.

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