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Top 4 Fish High in Omega-3 for Heart Health

There is local food too, you know!

illustration of salmon as a fish rich in omega-3 (unsplash.com/CA Creative)

When it comes to maintaining heart health, a diet rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids is one of the top recommendations. According to Harvard Health Publishingomega-3 functions to prevent the formation of plaque on the walls of the arteries which is a factor in causing heart attacks and strokes.

This one nutrient can be found in abundance in fish, you know. Not surprisingly, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia recommends consuming fish twice a week. Many types of fish are high in omega-3s that you can consume.

Also Read: 7 Vegetable Foods Sources of Omega-3, Alternatives for Vegans

1. Salmon

salmon illustration (pexels.com/Valeria Boltneva)

Salmon will immediately come to mind when talking about food sources of omega-3. Reported Healthline, salmon is one of the fish that contains high levels of omega-3 and is also packed with other nutrients, such as vitamin D, selenium, and vitamin B complex. This one fish is also very delicious to be processed into any dish. Starting from sushi, sashimi, to steak.

People who eat fatty fish, such as salmon, are routinely known to have a lower risk of experiencing chronic diseases, such as heart disease, dementia, and even depression. This was reported by a study published in Nutrients in 2020.

2. Makerel

mackerel illustration (pexels.com/energepic.com)

This one fish is also a good source of omega-3 foods, you know. Even the omega-3 content per 100 grams is 213 percent greater than salmon, as explained on the page Healthline. The content of vitamin B12 in mackerel is also very high, so it can meet 500 percent of its daily needs.

Interestingly, mackerel tends to have lower levels of mercury than other large fish. Mackerel also has a delicious taste even though it is processed in a simple way.

Also Read: 4 Types of Fish that Can Be Used as Pizza Toppings, Really Italian!

3. Sardines

illustration of sardines (pexels.com/Karen Laark Boshoff)

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Editor’s picks

Sardines may look small, but don’t take their nutrition for granted. Through Webmd, a registered dietitian, Julia Zumpano, RD, LD explains that sardines are an excellent source of omega-3s. This makes sardines one of the fish that can be consumed to maintain heart health.

Not only that, sardines also contain high-quality protein, vitamin D, and calcium. All three are good for bone health. However, sardines usually come in cans and are known to be high in sodium and fat. Therefore, pay attention to the content of these two nutrients so that consumption is not excessive, OK!

4. Anchovies

anchovies illustration (unsplash.com/Felix Girault)

Do not underestimate the small fish either anchovy, a type of anchovy that contains high levels of omega-3 which is good for heart health. Deep Omega-3 anchovy can help balance cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and maintain optimal heart function.

The good news, this fish is easy to find and can be obtained at an affordable price. The savory and delicious taste also makes fish anchovy much liked. In fact, this fish often decorates the menu of Indonesian family meals, you know.

Also Read: 5 Types of Fish that Even Better After Making Soup, Rich in Benefits!

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2023-08-30 02:20:00
#Types #Fish #Good #Heart #Health #Rich #Omega3 #IDN #Times

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