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Preparing for a Successful Academic Year: Tips for Students and Parents

Khawla Ali (Dubai)
The beginning of the new academic year is an important stage in the life of every student after a summer vacation that changed the scales of his day and time. It is necessary to ensure a start full of seriousness, diligence and successful academic achievement. It requires parents’ solidarity to prepare the student psychologically and physically and to change his daily lifestyle in order to attend school again for a year full of achievements.

Planning and organizing
Dr confirms. Munira Al-Rahmani, a self-development consultant, said that the greatest role lies with parents in preparing their children for a new academic stage and a year full of diligence and diligence, and in increasing their awareness that this year is more important than the previous stage, as it is full of information and lessons that require prior organization in order for the student to start his academic year. Quietly and confidently. It is necessary for the student to be aware of the number of hours available to him for studying and invest them accurately, and to search for information and solve exercises to memorize them well.
Al-Rahmani recommends using mind mapping in planning, organizing time, and dividing the school schedule, as it is the simplest and fastest way to memorize information and retrieve it from the brain, noting that over the years, as it trained about 10 thousand trainees, more than 95% of graduates benefited from this method. It shows how distinguished and aware they are of what they want, and it becomes easier for them to reach their goals. Each student must clearly define his goals and put them in front of him on a piece of paper, and then determine the number of hours that he wants to spend in achieving these goals, which makes it easier for him to divide his day and then determine who are the people who will support him at this stage, while rewarding himself after each success. To motivate to achieve more goals.

Fitness and a renewed psyche
Eman Al-Maidani, a fitness expert and sports trainer, points out that physical activity has an impact on students’ mental, psychological, physical and social health, and is of great importance in improving students’ lifestyle at home and at school, as physical activity reduces the rate of weight gain among students after the summer vacation. And long sitting in front of electronic games and eating fast food. This is done by parents encouraging their children to practice physical activity and discussing with them the importance and benefits of sports, and here comes the role of the mother in preparing healthy and balanced meals for the student and organizing sleep time and healthy eating, then comes the role of the school by paying attention to various sports and physical activities according to the students’ preferences, by providing Daily classes for all age groups under the supervision of specialists, which helps students develop their academic performance, enhance their mental and physical health, and increase focus, energy and self-confidence.

between study and leisure
Dr. explains. Israa Al-Samarrai, a professor of psychology at the University of Family Sciences in Ajman, said that with the approaching return-to-school season, teachers, parents and students face a great challenge after the vacation, as it is difficult for students to adapt again to academic requirements and educational attainment. Research confirms that preparing the student psychologically before returning to school can contribute to improving his academic achievement and success rates, and it requires re-enhancing regularity to help him achieve a good balance between study time and leisure time to enhance his focus and increase his productivity. Families and teachers should encourage students to express their feelings and concerns related to returning to school, and this is achieved through discussion sessions with them and providing appropriate emotional support, advice and guidance. Parents and teachers can provide additional academic support to students through study sessions and educational courses at the beginning of the school year, preferably in a friendly format that includes entertainment programs coupled with training them on the use of technology and artificial intelligence to enable them to obtain additional information, which makes the study useful instead of being burden on the student.

The educator, Mona Al Darmaki, says that the start of the new academic year is an important experience for students at all educational levels, and includes personal and academic preparations aimed at achieving academic success and excellence. Academic preparation requires reviewing basic academic subjects, and this helps them prepare for new lessons, facilitates their transition with confidence to a new stage of study, and works on setting their academic and personal goals for the academic year. They can also take advantage of summer educational opportunities, such as participating in additional educational programs or training courses that enhance their academic knowledge and skills. Parents participate with the students in the process of preparing for the new school year, by purchasing the necessary school supplies, and the role of the teacher cannot be overlooked in enhancing students’ readiness for the new school year, encouraging them to talk about their feelings and psychological preparation to deal with new challenges.

2023-08-28 20:58:25

#successful #academic #year.. #Mental #health

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