Thalassemia (Thalassemia) is a type of anemia. caused by abnormal red blood cells causing chronic paleness The disease can be inherited. People with thalassemia inherit abnormal genes from their parents. As for people who are carriers of thalassemia, they will inherit the abnormal gene from either one of the parents and found that from statistics inThailand has thalassemia cases, almost 500,000 Thai people are thalassemia carriers, more than 18 million people can see that Thalassemia is close to you. But if detected and prevented, it can reduce infection and carriers.
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There are two groups of thalassemia patients:
carrier group Healthy, normal and perfect in everything. but there is a latent thalassemia hereditary and may be passed on to offspring Knowing if you are a thalassemia carrier only requires a blood test at a hospital. group with obvious symptoms such as paleness, yellow eyes, fatigue, bloated stomach, enlarged liver and spleen, which must receive blood every month
30-40 percent of the Thai population, or 18-24 million people, are thalassemia carriers. who are ready to transmit the abnormality to their children as thalassemia, 1 percent or 630,000 people. Severe thalassemia patients There may be a danger of death for both mother and child.
Three groups of thalassemia severity syndromes
severe syndromeMost of the babies are edema, difficult delivery, pale, enlarged liver and spleen. Most of the children die in the mother’s womb or after birth. and may die The very severe syndrome at birth is asymptomatic. But at the age of 3-6 months, babies will have yellow eyes, fatigue, short stature, dwarfism, enlarged liver and spleen, facial changes. The forehead is erect, the cheekbones are high, the bridge of the nose is flat, and the teeth are protruding. if not treated Continuing to die Mild Severe SyndromeThis group is normal. slightly pale yellow Frequent illness and jaundice
When severe…blood transfusions may be required.
Blood transfusion to suppress abnormal blood formation (High transfusion) is commonly used in pediatric patients with severe thalassemia. newly diagnosed to be healthy grow up with age The absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, the spleen is not enlarged, and the facial bones are prevented from changing. But with this method, the patient will have a lot of iron accumulated in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to get an iron pill together with it. Supportive blood transfusion (Low transfusion) in which blood is given only when the patient is exhausted due to paleness from the original condition. This usually occurs after an infectious fever.
Patients with thalassemia have accumulated iron from the blood received (1 ml of red blood cells contains 1.16 mg of iron) and from the absorption of excess iron from the gastrointestinal tract. The iron accumulation may destroy the heart. It can cause heart failure, liver damage, and cirrhosis. and destroy the pancreas can cause diabetes It is therefore necessary to be regularly assessed for iron overload.
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Who needs iron chelation pills? When is thalassemia?
Serum ferritin level greater than 1,000 ng/ml Thalassemia patients receiving blood regularly for more than 1 year Thalassemia patients receiving blood about 10-20 times Treated with splenectomy The doctor will consider using this method of treatment only when The spleen is so large that it causes pressure on other internal organs. or the size is larger than 6 cm, the patient needs blood transfusions more often than before
It is recommended to receive the anti-infectious vaccination at least 2 weeks before splenectomy. to prevent infection
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation alternatives for thalassemia patients
It is the only method currently that can cure 75-92% of thalassemia diseases, but it cannot be used to treat all patients. Because there is a risk of harm from the treatment and the cost is very high. Patients who can be treated with this method are: Pediatric Patients with Severe Thalassemia and have siblings of the same parents or have a donor with HLA or histological examination matching the patient The chance that siblings of the same parents will match with the patient is 1 in 4 for the donor has a chance to match with the patient 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100,000
Thalassemia is treatable.
Eat food from all 5 food groups, avoid foods that are high in iron, including blood, liver, organs. Discontinue iron-containing drugs and vitamins. In case the patient is a child should be fully vaccinated like a normal child exercise, but in moderation When you feel tired, take a break immediately. Avoid intense impact exercise. Because the bones can break easily. Refrain from smoking and abstain from all kinds of alcoholic beverages. because it will make your health worse Teeth should be checked every 6 months as it may cause tooth decay easily. If you have a high fever, you should see a doctor immediately. Because it may increase the risk of serious infections Take folic acid strictly as prescribed by your doctor.
Why do I need a health check-up before planning to have a baby? ?
if both spouses are carriers of the same type of thalassemia There is a 25% chance that the child will have thalassemia disease, so when pregnant Should consult a doctor to diagnose the baby before birth or the couple will choose the artificial insemination method to help have children.
Thank you information from: Phyathai Hospital and Ministry of Public Health
Pictures from: Shutterstock.
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2023-08-27 04:11:00
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