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The Health Benefits of Cucumbers: Why You Should Eat More of Them

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Antra Krastiņa / Latvian Media

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Now is the right time to eat as much local farm cucumbers as possible, grown by yourself or bought at the market, because this vegetable turns out to be much more valuable for health than many fragrant, taste buds-exploding beauties.

What is valuable in cucumbers


They contain 95-96% water, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron (more than strawberries and grapes), copper, sulfur, iodine, carotene, cobalt, zinc, silicon, vitamin C, K, PP and B group vitamins, other valuable substances.

Cucumber has a lot of water but few calories, so it is a suitable vegetable for people who want to lose excess weight.

To lose weight on a cucumber-only diet, you need to eat about 2 kg of fresh cucumbers a day.

But if the diet is not so strict, you can make a salad from cucumbers with lean yogurt, spices or greens sauce, add them to other salads, cold soups.

During the cucumber season, it is recommended to eat as many of them as possible, not only for those who want to lose weight, but for everyone who cares about their health.

Cucumber is good for you

Cucumber skin and small cucumbers contain the most vitamin C, which is so necessary for the body.

The fiber in cucumbers helps digestion.

They contain a lot of calcium, which enhances the removal of excess fluid and salt from the body.

Regular consumption of cucumbers helps to remove toxins from the body.

Cucumbers are a good remedy for burns caused by the sun – gently rub the burn site with a slice of cucumber. It also acts to reduce pigmentation spots.

To reduce dark circles, bags under the eyes, prevent eye strain and refresh them, apply slices of cucumber on the eyelids and sleep quietly for 15 minutes.

Cucumbers help with diabetes, reduce blood cholesterol, stabilize blood pressure.

They improve the health of the joints by strengthening the connective tissue, reduce the pain of arthritis and gout.

Cucumbers normalize liver functions and prevent gastrointestinal disorders caused by infections.

Cucumbers lower the concentration of acid in the stomach, thus facilitating the digestion of heavy food. Therefore, it is preferable to eat cucumbers and their salads with meat, especially pork and beef dishes.

Regular consumption of cucumbers noticeably improves the health of hair and nails, makes them stronger and shinier, promotes hair growth.

Cucumbers provide the skin with healthy minerals. That is why our grandmothers rubbed it with slices of fresh cucumber to make the facial skin more elastic and fresh. Nowadays, cucumber juice is used in SPA procedures, for making various body care products.

To moisturize and whiten the skin of the face, grate a fresh cucumber, place the resulting mass in gauze folded several times and apply it to the face. After 15 minutes, rinse the face with water and apply cream. Cucumber mask increases the blood circulation of the skin, refreshes it.

Cucumber juice

Against heart diseases, constipation, obesity, hypertension, genital and gall bladder diseases, infertility, allergies, drink a mixture of cucumber, table beetroot and carrot juice (3:3:10).

Cucumber juice helps with various ailments.

In case of upper respiratory tract diseases – bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis – drink cucumber juice with honey.

Against urticaria, eczema, to reduce pain and inflammation, apply cucumber juice compresses in case of frostbite.
Cucumber juice increases muscle tone. Drink 1/3 glass of juice 3 times a day.

It is recommended to drink it as an analgesic and sedative in case of gastrointestinal diseases, cough.

The juice is one of the best natural diuretics, which is very important for reducing edema in cardiovascular diseases. It is advisable to drink half a glass of cucumber juice during the day.

Cucumber juice contains a hormone that the pancreas needs to produce insulin.

It is drunk against heartburn, burning sensation in the chest area, appetite disorders.

Drink 3 tablespoons of cucumber juice 3 times a day to promote sputum production.

Together with carrot or beet juice, it reduces the amount of stomach acid, prevents it from entering the esophagus, and regulates intestinal motility.

Cucumber juice improves the health of teeth and gums.

To kill the bacteria that cause bad breath, just chew a slice of cucumber for half a minute.

Cucumber juice, its seed tea is used against increased body temperature and inflammation.

A mixture of cucumber and carrot juice is drunk against rheumatism.

The juice is drunk for the prevention of myocardium or heart muscle, delaying the development of atherosclerosis and improving memory, calming and strengthening the nervous system.

To promote intestinal peristalsis and cholesterol removal, mix 1 tablespoon of honey into 1 glass of cucumber juice. Use 2-3 times a day before meals. To enhance the effect of cucumber juice, mix it with blackcurrant, apple, grapefruit juice (2:2:1:1) or with tomato and garlic juice (20:20:1).

Drink a mixture of cucumber, carrot, spinach and lettuce juice to promote hair growth.

The freshness of the cucumber complements the taste of the water well.

Good to know!

Thorns, with which young cucumbers are often covered, are for the purpose of draining excess moisture from the surface of the cucumber.

In order to store fresh cucumbers longer, immerse them up to 3/4 in water – with the attachment ends of the string down. The water is changed every day. Or put the cucumbers in a polyethylene bag and keep them in the refrigerator – on the bottom shelf.



The birthplace of cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) is considered to be India, where they have been used as food since 3000 BC. Cucumbers soon traveled further – they were already known in Ancient Egypt. In ancient Greece, even a city was named after cucumbers – Sikyon, which means “city of cucumbers”.


2023-08-27 06:38:50
#health #beauty #cucumber #time

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