On the occasion of Panhellenic publications and Press Release Association of Certified Environmental Engineers – Epirus Branch from the Department of Environment & Spatial Planning of the Region of Epirus the following is announced:
The only certified station in the region of Epirus, included in the National Air Pollution Monitoring Network (EDPAR), is the Ioannina station for the operation of which the Region of Epirus is responsible.
The Region of Epirus participates in the PANAKEIA network in collaboration with the Physics Department of the University of Ioannina.
In fact, the Ioannina station is located in the District building in Pyrrou Square. The data of the specific station are weighted by the scientific managers of the program and presented online on the website which is the only one that gives the measurement to the institutionalized measurement system with relative accuracy, certainly lower than the atmospheric station of the EDPAR network, certainly indicative of the prevailing situation.
The figures published by the Environment Directorate are the only reliable ones for the area and it is obvious that there is no reason for a public agency to distort the reality.
Due to the sensitivity of the matter, everyone is required to demonstrate seriousness and responsible information to the public.
The data (and the primary data if requested) of the atmospheric station of Ioannina are available to the public and to any interested body, as stated in the relevant section of the page of the Region of Epirus (Citizen/Air Quality Bulletins) by the competent Administration.
Since they have not been requested and to restore the truth, the primary data (average price per hour) of the specific days from the atmospheric station of Ioannina, as well as the correct diagram from the PANAKEIA station for Ioannina, are made available to all from the official website of the program (https://air-quality.gr).