“After a month of fierce fighting and significant losses in the Kupyan and Lyman sectors, the enemy is regrouping its forces and resources, and at the same time moving newly formed brigades and divisions from the territory of the Russian Federation,” he wrote on Telegram Syrian. He warned that the main goal of these measures is to “increase the level of combat potential and restore active offensive operations.”
Syrskyj did not provide details on the Russian redeployment, but said the Russians were continuing heavy artillery and mortar shelling and airstrikes. According to him, it is necessary to immediately take all measures to strengthen the defense in threatened areas.
The cities of Kupjansk and Lyman were occupied by Russia in the first months of its year-and-a-half-long invasion of Ukraine. The Ukrainian army liberated both as part of its counter-offensive in the east of the country from September and October last year. At the end of July, the Ukrainian command announced that the Russians had launched a new offensive in the east of the country with the aim of recapturing the cities. At the beginning of August, local authorities announced the mandatory evacuation of civilians from the vicinity of the Kupjan front due to daily Russian shelling.
The General Staff of the Ukrainian Army announced on Friday that Ukrainian troops “continue to hold back the Russian offensive in the directions of Kupjansk, Lyman and Bakhmut” and that “heavy fighting continues”.
The Ukrainians made a landing in Crimea and raised the flag
2023-08-25 19:56:46
#Russians #regrouping #attack #east #Ukraine #general #Novinky