Home » Health » Super Blue Moon Phenomenon to Happen on August 30, 2023: NASA Predicts It will Coincide with Saturn’s Appearance

Super Blue Moon Phenomenon to Happen on August 30, 2023: NASA Predicts It will Coincide with Saturn’s Appearance

BOGOR-BOGOR RADAR, The sky phenomenon Super Blue Moon will appear on August 30, 2023.

The Super Blue Moon or commonly known as the blue moon is the second super full moon phenomenon that will occur this August. Previously, the Sturgeon Supermoon phenomenon appeared first on August 1, 2023.

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Quoted from NASA, the Super Blue Moon will be the largest and brightest month in 2023. This moon will rise on the evening of August 30 US time and can be seen in the east after sunset.

The United States Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) explains that this moon phase is not just an ordinary full moon, but also has a blue glow.

This blue moon is also a supermoon, which means it coincides with perigee or the point in the moon’s orbit that is closest to Earth. When this phenomenon occurs, the distance between the moon and the earth is around 357,344 kilometers.

To observers on Earth, the moon will appear slightly larger than normal, about 7 percent larger. This rare event can be seen with the naked eye without any tools.

The Super Blue Moon at the end of August 2023 will feel special because NASA predicts it will coincide with the appearance of Saturn from Earth. The ringed gas giant planet will go through a period of opposition in a few days.

This blue moon is relatively frequent, astronomically every two to three years.

Also Read: There are two full moons in August 2023, which can be seen with the naked eye

The last blue moon occurred in August 2021, and is expected to be seen again in August 2024.

In Indonesia, according to BRIN’s official website, Indonesian people who are curious about the Super Blue Moon phenomenon can witness it on Thursday (31/8) at 20.35 WIB.(*/jpg)

Editor: Imam Rahmanto

2023-08-25 10:04:00
#Super #Blue #Moon #August #save #date

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