– It is an understatement to say that the United States attracts global subscriptions of ETFs in equities when we observe index funds listed under the magnifying glass of the countries preferred by investors as a theme. Since the start of the year and as of August 18, 2023, ETFs stamped with the names of Uncle Sam’s country have attracted nearly 91 billion euros in subscriptions. The second favorite country of investors, Japan, recorded almost seven times less net subscriptions at 14 billion euros! According to data from Trackinsight, India, the third favorite country, attracted only 2.8 billion. Next come in a pocket handkerchief Australia and Hong Kong. Those who scare investors the most are, on the other hand, equity ETFs evoking Germany (967 million euros in outflow), Taiwan (-962 million) and. .. France (-480 million euros). On the bond market, behavior is a little different. The United States remains investors’ favorite country and US bond ETFs have even collected more than their equity cousins at almost 100 billion euros since the start of the year. But the gap with the second favorite country is astronomical since Canada, second therefore, attracts 6 billion subscriptions. Next comes the United Kingdom with 3.5 billion. The debt of Asian or developing countries attracts much less than their equity market. Thus, China collects 1.1 billion euros. It is followed by a pool between Mexico, Hong Kong and South Africa. But overall, bond funds are hugely appealing to investors with rising rates.
Rejane Reibaud
2023-08-24 22:15:08
#United #States #remains #preferred #country #theme #ETF #investors