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The Importance of Influenza Vaccination for People with Diabetes

JawaPos.com-Internal medicine specialist from RSCM, Dr. Wismandari Wisnu, SpPD, KEMD, FINASIM, said that influenza vaccination is very important for people with diabetes because it has been proven to be effective in protecting patients who have various co-morbidities or co-morbidities.

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“People with diabetes are at higher risk of infection, including influenza, because the immune system of people with diabetes is weak, making it difficult to fight infection,” said Wismandari in a statement received in Jakarta, Thursday.

The doctor who serves as General Secretary of the Indonesian Endocrinology Association (PERKENI) also said that high blood sugar levels facilitate the growth of bacteria and viruses, thereby increasing the risk of infection. Diabetes, said Wismandari, can also damage blood vessels, causing poor circulation and slower healing time.

Wismandari also said that influenza vaccination for people with diabetes with cardiovascular risk has also been shown to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, as well as the incidence of cardiovascular complications.

“This is why protection such as influenza vaccination is very important for people with diabetes,” said Wismandari.

On the same occasion, Professor from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. dr. Samsuridjal Djauzi, SpPD, K-AI, FINASIM, said that when people with diabetes are exposed to infections such as influenza, flu complications resulting in a six times greater risk of hospitalization, a fourfold increase in the risk of intensive care in the ICU, and an increased risk of death. by six times.

“In addition, influenza also makes it difficult for people with diabetes to control their blood sugar and exacerbates diabetes complications,” said Samsuridjal who is an immunization expert from the Association of Indonesian Internal Medicine Specialists (PAPDI).

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Therefore Samsuridjal explained that to prevent the burden of influenza which has a major impact on all aspects, one effective way is quadrivalent influenza vaccination which is routinely carried out every year.

2023-08-24 12:09:00
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