Yesterday, for the first time, I observed a massive targeted, even industry-specific, attack by telephone scammers.
Objects – medical staff of at least ten clinics in Moscow.
The essence is simple as thimbles. An employee (carefully selected, which is important) receives a message in the messenger supposedly from the manager. He reports that the employee will now be called from the FSB, it is necessary to answer.
And then dusols. Horrors about criminal cases and hacked accounts, photos of official IDs, zombies and sending a person for a loan or persuading them to make a transfer.
The girl doctor who contacted me was driven into panic purgatory, she called from her sister’s phone on the verge of obtaining a loan and issuing money to scammers.
After briefly studying the situation, and there was no need for a long time, the doctor-patient was instructed to send everyone to hell, after which her condition improved dramatically.
– Can you fuck? – she asked almost firmly, received a completely firm answer “Yes!”, after which she was discharged with a positive prognosis.
Just in case, I repeat my old advice.
For everyone who is called by the “senior investigator of the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.” Or the FSB, it doesn’t matter, these are just abbreviations.
Do not engage in conversations, including artificially sarcastic ones like “Evening in the hut.” This is a sign that you are a game and you can work with. And they will. You are not a pro, you are still not completely sure.
Always say one phrase: “I ask you to dictate your last name, first name, patronymic, exact position and office phone number. My lawyer will call you back. Please slow down, I’m taking notes.”
If they do not dictate, calmly hang up the phone, not paying attention to any phrases of the interlocutor.
There is a possibility that this is a real challenge.
Then they will tell you everything you need. Reluctantly, but dictate. And then call your lawyer.
Yes, a trusted lawyer, whose number and details you remember by heart, is now no less important than a dentist.
By the way, the girl was a dentist.
Alexey Fedyarov
! Spelling and style of the author preserved
2023-08-23 04:54:31
#Attack #phone #scammers #blogs #Blogs