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Rising Temperatures and Venomous Snake Season – A Warning from Australian Reptile Park


Global warming has an impact on the life cycle of earth’s inhabitants. Including, against venomous snakes.

Collect CNN, Wednesday (23/8/2023), the east coast of Australia experienced the warmest winter and impacted the snake season which seems to have started earlier. The Australian Reptile Park issued a warning to residents to be wary of venomous snakes.

“Rising temperatures, coupled with winter rainfall, is the perfect environment for venomous snakes to become more active,” Reptile Park Australia said in a statement.

Snakes tend to sweat during winter, a state similar to hibernation. The snakes became less active and often looked for places to hide until the temperature started to rise again.

Usually that period takes place in September.

“But the heat has attracted the snakes to emerge more quickly than usual. Snake catchers have also reported a significant increase in calls, a phenomenon that is rare this time of year,” according to the Australian Reptile Park.

“It’s important for all Australians to know that snakes are not trying to hurt people. Snakebites mostly happen when people try to catch or kill the snake, so if you don’t do that you will most likely be fine!” says Billy Collett, operations manager at the park.

But he urged the public to learn how to deal with snake bites, which can be fatal in as little as 30 minutes. This includes keeping the bite victim calm, removing jewelery and watches and dressing the entire body, not just the bite area.

He also recommends that people keep backyards clear of piles of firewood and other materials that can create an ideal habitat for snakes.

As the world continues to burn planet-warming fossil fuels, and global temperatures soar, Australia’s winters continue to warm even more.

Last month was the fourth warmest July on record in New South Wales, data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Across the country, temperatures are almost 1.2 degrees Celsius above the average for this time of year.

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2023-08-22 23:39:30
#Snake #Season #Australia #Starts #Early

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