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Understanding Telangiectasia: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

A thin vascular “print” on the skin, which many call “stars”, is medically called telangiectasia. They look like small dots, lines and “spider webs” of red, burgundy or purple color.

Such formations can appear on any part of the face and body, but most often on the cheeks, on the sides of the nose and on the legs.

The appearance of telangiectasia is associated with the stretching of small vessels (capillaries). Healthy blood vessels are elastic and can expand under blood pressure and then narrow back to their original size.

But if this capacity is impaired and the vessel walls are weakened, blood-filled capillaries become too visible on the surface of the skin.

Precipitating factors:

Before starting the fight against the vascular “fingerprint”, we recommend that you consult a specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of blood vessels and veins – a phlebologist or a vascular surgeon. The doctor will perform an examination and the necessary diagnostics, including an ultrasound of the deep veins, to exclude vascular pathology.

The “stars” themselves are not a health hazard and are of concern to many only from an aesthetic point of view.

After establishing the main cause of the formation of telangiectasia, an appropriate treatment is prescribed. If the problem is related to the vessels, drugs that improve the activity of the vascular system, wearing compression stockings and other preventive measures can be recommended.

In some cases, no treatment is necessary: ​​for example, if the appearance of “asterisks” is associated with pregnancy and childbirth or with mechanical damage to the skin. Usually, the formed vascular defect disappears by itself after a while, writes actualno.com.

If the causes are hormonal, then control by a gynecologist or endocrinologist is recommended.

To solve the aesthetic problem, less traumatic surgical methods can be used – for example, sclerotherapy, as well as cosmetic procedures that deal with superficial vascular manifestations:

Laser therapy is considered the most effective method for removing the vascular “pattern” – it allows you to act on the affected vessels, which leads to the narrowing of the enlarged part of the vein. Phototherapy is a gentler technology, but it is not as effective as laser in treating large lesions. In phototherapy, an intense light source acts on the hemoglobin inside the capillaries. The skin itself and the tissues around the vessel are not overheated or damaged.

Why is the use of external means not enough? At home, using only external means, it is impossible to cope with vascular “asterisks”. Creams and ointments act superficially and cannot “penetrate” the affected vessels, as surgical or cosmetic methods do.

Some facts about vascular “asterisks” vascular “asterisks” are not a disease, but this does not mean that their appearance should be ignored. Consult a phlebologist, exquis.ro quotes.

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2023-08-21 22:44:32
#Spider #Web #Veins #Aesthetic #Defect #Sign #Disease #MyCTA.ro #Constanta #news

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