Home » Health » Health Benefits of Papaya Leaf: Digestion, Platelet Production, Blood Sugar, Cancer Prevention, and Skin Infections

Health Benefits of Papaya Leaf: Digestion, Platelet Production, Blood Sugar, Cancer Prevention, and Skin Infections

Papaya leaf. Photo: Ricardo/JPNN.com

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – LEAF Papaya is a vegetable that is rich in various nutritional content. Papaya leaves are like a one-stop remedy for most types of ailments.

You can brew papaya leaf dry or make fresh juice.

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Papaya leaves are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, E and folate as well as antioxidants, flavonoids and carotene.

Papaya leaves contain important protein-digesting enzymes such as papain and chymopapain.

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Papaya leaves also contain essential phytonutrients such as flavonoids (kaempferol, myricetin quercetin), alkaloids (carpaine, pseudocarpaine, dehydrocarpaine) and phenolic compounds (ferulic acid, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, anthraquinones).

All these contribute to the various health benefits of papaya.

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The following is an explanation, as quoted on the page Curejoy.com.

1. Helps Good Digestion

Papaya leaves contain papain and chymopapain which help in breaking down food.

Papaya leaves are also rich in carpain which can destroy harmful microbes and intestinal parasites.

Papaya leaves also have a protective effect on the intestinal mucosal lining.

Even in people who suffer from gluten intolerance, papain can counteract the toxic effects of wheat by-products on the gut.

Hence, papaya leaf tea is very soothing for people suffering from peptic ulcers, gastritis, and inflammatory conditions like IBS and gluten intolerance.

2. Increase Platelet Production

Scientific research has proven that papaya leaves have antiparasitic properties.

A study showed that when papaya leaf juice or tea was consumed twice a day for 5 consecutive days, the platelet count increased in dengue fever patients.

The digestive enzymes and phytochemicals in the leaves are responsible for their platelet-boosting activity.

3. Regulating Blood Sugar Levels

Regular intake of papaya leaf tea can help regulate disease positive diabetes.

It can reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides, thereby preventing atherosclerotic changes in the body.

In diabetics, it helps improve insulin sensitivity, regenerate healthy pancreatic cells, and prevent possible liver toxicity.

4. Prevent Cancer

Papaya leaves have been used in traditional medicine to prevent cancerous changes in the body.

Long-term scientific studies have proven that the high levels of saponins and their polyphenolic compounds give them the ability to fight cancer.

Even people undergoing chemotherapy can empower their bodies to fight cancer by drinking papaya leaf tea every day.

5. Relieves Skin Infections

Papaya leaf extract, raw papaya flesh and crushed papaya seeds have been used as a balm on pimples, boils and other wounds for centuries.

The proteolytic enzymes in it help remove crusts from wounds, aiding in faster healing.

Its antimicrobial activity also prevents the wound from becoming infected.fny/jpnn)

Editor & Reporter : Fany

2023-08-20 19:01:34
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