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French Military Intervention in Niger: A Concerning Development, Condemned by #MAN

The Movement for a Nonviolent Alternative (#MAN), condemns the ECOWAS military intervention project in Niger in which France is playing its part. This intervention will cause many deaths and injuries on both sides without succeeding in strengthening democracy in Niger, nor in the other ECOWAS countries.

In a press release, the MAN considers that the governments which install themselves in power by force have no democratic legitimacy. Their only superiority is to have arms which, in general, have been entrusted to them by civil authorities, to protect the country. Very often, they take power to defend the personal interests of a few military leaders.

But he is surprised that it is armies trained by France that take these coup initiatives, in Chad, Burkina-Faso, Mali and Niger. Thus France will have contributed to pushing back democracy in these countries when it claimed to defend and strengthen it. What do our military trainers say about democracy, respect for legitimately elected power and human rights?

France has for too long pursued a policy of defending its own interests in Africa, to the detriment of the peoples.

Successive French governments over the past 60 years have brought no political and democratic stability and have supported corrupt regimes incapable of responding to the aspirations of the people. Today, France is paying the price by being rejected by many Africans. It is sad that it is the Russian forces who take advantage of this situation.
“We consider that African countries, like France, spend too much on their army. This money would be better used to develop education, health, development infrastructure and respect for the rule of law. The programming law military 2024-2030 voted by Parliament in July also establishes a “war economy” and prepares France for war”.
We condemn the position of the French government supporting this threat of military intervention by ECOWAS to restore the legitimately elected president of Niger.
We ask the French government to support the forces of African civil society who are fighting for the establishment of genuine democratic regimes in Africa. We ask him to stop supporting hereditary dictatorships (Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Togo etc).

We ask the competent committees of the National Assembly and the Senate to meet urgently, despite the holidays, to hear the government’s position on the situation in Niger, but also and above all to discuss France’s position so that it conforms to the ideals contained in the expression “France, country of human rights”. This applies to France as well as to its relationship with African countries.

MAN press release signed by

Alain Refalospokesperson

Robert Simonorganizer of the International Solidarity network

Serge Perrindirector of the Lyon group

2023-08-20 14:29:37
#Nonviolence #France #interfere #affairs #Niger

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