Large-scale paintings, so-called murals. Thanks to the Street Art Festival and the artists it invited to Olomouc, in recent years the empty facades of buildings have brightened up and the city’s worn-out shames have disappeared. It will take place this year as well. He has even completed the warm-up round.
The first work of this year’s Street Art Festival in Olomouc was completed by Slovak artist Dian on Tabulové vrch. His mural of an elephant in New York won an award and was included in the “Top 10 murals in Brooklyn 2015”. August 19, 2023 | Photo: Deník/Daniela Tauberová
During this week, Slovak artist Dian created a unique painting at the boiler house on Tabulové vrch. His elephant mural was recognized at a prestigious exhibition in New York.
“I like it very much! Just this week I am home on sick leave, so I had the opportunity to watch how the elephant was created. I had to go and tell the author how wonderful it was and if he wasn’t afraid that one of the growths here would ruin it for him. They say he’s already very well-known, so maybe not,” smiled the woman in her sixties, who lives in a block of flats in Zelená street right next to the boiler room with an unmissable artwork.
Olomouc as a center of top gastronomy. He opened a new business with fire near the square
The Slovak artist’s elephant mural won an award in New York and was included among the “Top 10 murals in Brooklyn 2015”.
“His paintings were exhibited in Prague, New York and Florence under the auspices of FUSION ART,” the organizers of the Olomouc show presented one of the prominent street art and graffiti personalities participating in this year’s Olomouc show.
“You can see his works in world capitals such as New York, Warsaw, Prague or Zanzibar. He currently works as the artistic director of the Life is Porno brand and the Forbidden Spot gallery in Prague,” they said.
This mural did not pass in Olomouc. Here are also new proposals for the theater building
Portraits of everyday life
This year’s edition of the Olomouc Street Art Festival starts soon and will be called Portraits of Everyday Life, and according to the organizers, it loosely follows on from Palacký’s History of Everyday Life.
“In this way, we point to the connection of the urban environment, typical of street art subjects, with historically committed research into the history of everyday life and we remember the human side of František Palacký and the 450th anniversary of the founding of Palacký University,” they explained the connection.
The arcade in the center of Olomouc is undergoing a transformation. It will become a modern gastrozone
The popular festival once again includes, in addition to the mural painting itself, workshops where those interested can try to design their own mural sketch or paint graffiti directly on the wall under the guidance of an experienced lecturer.
The program includes an exhibition and a musical performance by Czech rap stars – Sawsane.
There will also be a walk through Olomouc Street Art as part of the European Heritage Days.
Street Art Festival Olomouc 2023
(September 10 to 23)
Warm-up round: 16.-19. 8. Zelená street, boiler room
10-15 9. Bieblova Street, near the basketball court
10.-19. 9. Šmeralova street, JL Fischer dormitory
16-19 9. Moshnerova street, boiler room
16-19 9. Čajkovského street, boiler house
16-19 9. Zikova street, boiler room
18.–23. 9. Na Vlčinci 3, Farmak building
17.–23. 9. Small hall, Hynaisova Street
7-30 9. Palacký everyday life: a chronicle of urban life
boiler rooms of Mošnerov and Čajkovský, reservation of places in advance by email [email protected]
Musical performance:
Sawsane 19 September, from 20.00 in the club 15 min.
Street Art Walk:
8. 9. as part of the European Heritage Days
Admission to all events is free
Source: Street Art Festival
2023-08-20 05:23:00
#Olomouc #Brooklyn #awardwinning #elephant #decorated #housing #estate #beckons #festival