ORF reform in the direction of a modern media company instead of a black-green grab into the wallets of the citizens would be necessary
Vienna (OTS) – “The brazen whitewashing of the ÖVP Media Minister Raab is a mockery of the citizens and cannot hide the reality: the ORF ‘compulsory tax’ is a brutal grab by black-green in the purses of the inflation-plagued population, who are now paying for the ORF is asked, regardless of whether she actually consumes its programs or not! This downplaying ‘ORF contribution’ called burden package will therefore be one of the first misfortunes, the abolition of a freely led Federal Government with a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl will promote,” criticized the FPÖ media spokesman and Secretary General NAbg today. Christian Hafenecker, MA statements by the minister in a recent interview with the “Kurier” and referred to the FPÖ online petition against the ORF household fee, which is under www.haushaltsabgabe.fail can be supported.
Hafenecker described the fact that the introduction of the household levy was necessary due to a decision by the Constitutional Court, as ÖVP Media Minister Raab would claim, as an “untrue excuse”: “Instead of obliging all Austrians to pay this ORF ‘compulsory tax’, the government would simply have the GIS fees can be abolished, as we Liberals have been demanding for years. Instead, Black-Green used this decision of the Constitutional Court as an opportunity to get the ORF, which is constantly struggling with financial problems of its own making, even more money at the expense of the citizens. After all, this ‘compulsory tax’ increases the annual ORF income by around 40 million euros to 710 million euros!”
However, the ORF has a spending and not a revenue problem that needs to be addressed as part of a real reform rather than digging deeper and deeper into the citizens’ pockets. “Large executive salaries, luxury pensions and a poor program that consists mainly of repetitions, endless advertising and one-sided reporting. The ORF therefore needs a reform in the direction of a modern media company, objectivity and without any form of compulsory taxes or fees!” said Hafenecker.
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