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Europe Faces Exceptionally Intense End-of-Summer Heat Wave: Temperatures Soaring to 40°C

Part of Europe is preparing for a heat wave of exceptional intensity for the end of summer. The thermometer should reach 40°C locally in France.

An exceptionally late heat wave in France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland


Part of Europe is preparing for a heat wave of exceptional intensity for the end of summer. Over the next few days, Switzerland, the south of France, as well as part of Spain and Germany will see the thermometer panic.

In France, heat wave orange vigilance was extended on Friday from 19 to 28 departments, from Gers to Haut-Rhin to Savoie, by Météo France for the day of Saturday and temperatures that could exceed 40°C in the south.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne called for caution on Friday on X (ex-Twitter) after convening an interministerial crisis unit the evening before. “At work, on the way home or on vacation, let’s all be vigilant: make sure you stay hydrated and watch out for vulnerable people.“, she urged.

The Rhône Valley has already been subjected to strong heat for several days. In Lyon as in Grenoble, town halls invite residents to get closer to “cool places”: swimming pools, libraries, fountains, parks…


In Grenoble, where 37°C were recorded on Friday, the swimming pools are very busy, even if many Grenoble residents prefer to go to the mountains to try to cool off.

The Metropolis of Lyon is also pleased with the recent planting of 25,000 trees and shrubs which reduce the heat. “This makes it possible to gain 4.2°C on average, and in heat waves like this one 7.9°C. It is enormous“, assures Pierre Athanaze, vice-president of Greater Lyon. The hours of the parks have been extended and those of public officials have been adapted to avoid the hottest hours.

In the countryside, farmers are on the front line. “The animals suffer from the heat and (…) they produce less. And then imagine milking at 6:00 p.m. when it’s still almost 40°C, it’s also difficult for humans“, notes Jean-Claude Huc, president of the Tarn chamber of agriculture, interviewed by AFP.

Another consequence: EDF plans to reduce production at its Bugey (Ain) and Tricastin (Drôme) nuclear power plants from Saturday and Sunday respectively, in order to avoid excessive heating of the waters of the Rhône which cool their reactors.

Health fears

The main concern, however, is health. A French national information platform has been activated (0800 06 66 66) and prevention messages are broadcast on television and radio.

Organisms could be put to the test, including at night when temperatures drop little. “The hospital will face“, assured Friday on Franceinfo the Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau, estimating that if the situation is “tense“in the emergency room, she is not”worse“only in 2022.

According to Vincent Bounes, director of Samu de Haute-Garonne, the repercussions will depend on the duration of the episode: “It is after four or five days that we see effects [de la canicule sur les services d’urgence] and after ten days it becomes more problematic“.


Elderly people at home who are somewhat isolated are the most at risk, especially since families have gone on vacation“, he underlines.

Caution also for athletes. Some football or rugby matches around Lyon have been postponed to preserve the health of the players.

This weekend, the heat is increasing, especially in the southern half of the country. They promise to be long-lasting and intense“, warned Météo-France. The peak is expected”between Monday and Wednesday before a possible drop in temperatures on Thursday which remains to be confirmed.

This episode”is shaping up to be the hottest of summer 2023” but also “as one of the latest with such a level of intensity“, specifies Météo-France.

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