Residents of Yellowknife, the capital of Canada’s Northwest Territories, will be fully evacuated due to wildfires
Release time: 18:21, August 17, 2023 Source: China News Network
Facing the unstoppable fire, the government of the Northwest Territories of Canada asked the capital Yellowknife and residents of nearby towns to evacuate in stages as soon as possible on the evening of August 16 local time.
At present, there are more than 230 wildfires in the Northwest Territories, covering an area of more than 2 million hectares, which is equivalent to four times the area of Prince Edward Island. The raging wildfires caused damage to many critical infrastructure and people’s property, some road sections were forced to close, and wireless communication was interrupted in some places. The authorities have implemented large-scale evacuation of people in many places, and thousands of residents have been forced to leave their homes for safety.
The wildfire is currently encircling Yellowknife, the capital of the region, and the line of fire is less than 20 kilometers from the closest point to Yellowknife. In view of the risks faced, the authorities required residents of Yellowknife and nearby towns to evacuate in stages by car or plane in accordance with the Emergency Management Act, and to evacuate completely before noon on the 18th.
The Canadian federal government has recently approved the request for assistance from the Northwest Territories. To this end, the Canadian military and the Coast Guard will provide resources such as personnel and equipment to the Northwest Territories to assist in fighting wildfires. The Canadian government will also provide relevant response funds for Aboriginal people.
Canadian officials predict that due to climate factors such as drought, wildfire activity in most parts of the country may continue to be higher than normal in the remaining wildfire season this year. (making Jiang Lu)
Responsible editor:[Luo Pan]
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2023-08-17 10:21:00