Aug 17, 2023 at 12:25 PM Update: a minute ago
The Swedish security service raises the threat of terror in the country to the second highest level. According to Swedish media, the threat has increased due to the Koran burnings in the country and the anger that has arisen in Islamic countries.
Threat level has now been increased from 3 to 4 on a scale of 1 to 5. That represents a high threat. The threat was last this high in Sweden in 2016.
The Koran burnings in Stockholm led to fierce reactions from international leaders, but also to major protests in Muslim countries. Swedish flags were burned and even the Swedish embassy in Baghdad set on fire.
According to the Swedish The evening paper terror group Al Qaeda has called for revenge attacks against Stockholm.
There have also been Koran burnings in Denmark and, according to the government, this also led to a change in the security situation there. That is why border controls have been temporarily tightened. Sweden has done that before.
Image: EPA
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2023-08-17 10:25:07
#Sweden #raises #terror #threat #level #uproar #Koran #burnings