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Plavidlo Joseph Schulte: Nový koridor v Černém moři pro komerční plavidla

Plavidlo Joseph Schulte, které společně​ vlastní ⁤čínská ⁤banka a ⁤německá BSM, využívá nově vzniklý koridor a pluje‌ přes teritoriální vody Ukrajiny, Rumunska a Turecka. Ukrajina minulý týden oznámila vznik dočasných ‍koridorů​ pro ⁢komerční plavidla v Černém moři. Tato opatření umožňují plavidlům, která ‌uvázla v ukrajinských přístavech po začátku ruské invaze,⁢ pokračovat ve své cestě. Plavidlo Joseph Schulte převáží‍ více ⁤než 30 tisíc tun nákladu, včetně potravin.

Rusko v noci ⁢na středu zaútočilo ⁢na Ukrajinu drony. Velká skupina bezpilotních letounů vletěla i do ústí Dunaje⁣ a zamířila k říčnímu přístavu Izmajil na hranicích⁤ s Rumunskem. Ukrajinská obrana sestřelila tři ruské drony nad ⁣západoruskou Kalužskou oblastí. Při⁢ útoku na⁢ přístav na Dunaji‌ byly poškozeny skladiště a‌ sýpky, ​ale požáry se podařilo uhasit a​ oběti si útok nevyžádal.

Rumunská ministryně zahraničí Luminitsa Odobescová odsoudila ruské‍ útoky na ⁣civilní infrastrukturu ⁣včetně obilných​ sýpek. Podle ní tímto porušením mezinárodního práva ‌Rusko ohrožuje ⁣globální potravinovou bezpečnost a⁤ bezpečnost plavby v Černém moři.

Rusko začalo útočit na ukrajinské⁣ přístavy na Dunaji od poloviny července,⁣ kdy odstoupilo od černomořských obilných ​dohod. Ty umožňovaly Ukrajině vyvážet obilí‌ a další zemědělské produkty i přes ruskou blokádu v Černém ​moři. Po pozastavení dohod se ‍přístavy na Dunaji staly pro ​Ukrajinu hlavní trasou pro vývoz obilí.

Ukrajinské oblasti Poltavská, Kirovohradská,‌ Dněpropetrovská, Záporožská, Mykolajivská, Oděská a Chersonská hlásily poplach v noci na dnešek.⁢ Ruská protivzdušná obrana sestřelila tři ukrajinské drony v Kalužské oblasti, ale útok si nevyžádal žádné oběti⁢ ani škody.Title: Ukraine Tests Temporary Corridor as Russia‍ Sends Drones to Attack Danube

Date: August 16, 2023

In⁣ a recent development,⁤ a vessel jointly owned by a Chinese bank and⁢ German BSM, named Joseph Schulte, has utilized a⁢ newly established corridor ‍to ⁤sail through the territorial waters of ​Ukraine, Romania, ⁤and Turkey. Ukraine announced the creation⁢ of temporary corridors for commercial ​vessels‍ in⁢ the Black Sea last ⁣week.⁣ However, Kiev also warned about the ongoing threats due‌ to ⁣the ⁢presence⁢ of ⁣Russian​ forces⁣ and mines ​in the area.

These corridors are ‌intended⁢ for vessels that were stranded ⁣in Ukrainian ports after the start of the Russian invasion and were not covered by the so-called grain agreement. The agreement between Russia‍ and Ukraine‍ last year allowed for the resumption of grain and food exports from Ukrainian ports despite the ongoing conflict. However, Russia withdrew ‍from the agreement last ​month.

According to Ukrainian Minister of​ Infrastructure​ Oleksandr⁢ Kubrakov, the container ship Joseph Schulte ⁣has left the port⁢ of Odessa and is⁣ moving through the temporary corridor for civilian ships. The vessel is carrying over 30,000 ​tons of cargo (2,114 containers), ‍including food. ⁢The ship had been in ‍the ⁤port of Odessa since February 23, 2022.

In another development,⁣ Russia ‍launched drone attacks on⁢ Ukraine during the night, triggering alarms in the ​southern and central regions‍ of the country. A large group of ⁢unmanned aerial⁣ vehicles flew into the mouth⁤ of the ‍Danube River and headed towards the river port of Izmail on the border⁤ with Romania, according‍ to the Ukrainian ‌Air Force. The Russian Ministry ⁢of Defense also reported drone attacks and stated that three Ukrainian drones were shot down by Russian air defense over the⁤ Kaluga ⁤region.

Russia⁤ targeted the southern regions of Ukraine, with 13 drones⁤ being shot down by Ukrainian defense forces over the Odessa and Mykolaiv regions, according ⁣to the Ukrainian army. ⁤The aim was ​to​ target ⁣port infrastructure.

The attack on one of the ports on the Danube River resulted⁢ in damage to warehouses and granaries, ‍according ⁢to​ the head of ​the Odessa ⁢region, Oleh Kiper. He ​stated that the resulting fires ⁣had been extinguished and there were no casualties. Ukrainian media ‌had previously reported explosions in Izmail and Reni. However, a Reuters source later confirmed that the ​port was still⁤ operational ‌despite the attacks.

Bucharest also responded to the attacks. Romanian Foreign Minister

How ‌is the suspension of Black ⁢Sea grain agreements impacting Ukraine’s ability to export grain and agricultural products?

​On, allowing them to ‍continue their⁢ journey. The Joseph Schulte, carrying over 30,000 tons of cargo, including food, ⁢is one of the vessels taking advantage of these temporary corridors.

In a separate⁤ development, Russia launched a drone attack ⁢on Ukraine during the night of Wednesday. A large group of unmanned aircraft entered the mouth of the Danube and headed towards the river port ‍of Izmajil ​on⁤ the border with Romania. Ukrainian⁢ defense forces successfully shot down three Russian drones over the western Russian Kaluga region. Although the attack on the ⁣port on⁤ the Danube caused damage to warehouses and granaries, fires ⁣were‌ extinguished, and there were no casualties.

Romanian Foreign Minister Luminitsa Odobescu‍ condemned the Russian attacks on civilian⁤ infrastructure, including grain silos.⁣ She argued that this violation ⁢of international law‌ posed a‌ threat‌ to ⁣global food security and maritime ​safety in the Black Sea.

Since mid-July, Russia has been targeting Ukrainian ports on the Danube after withdrawing from the Black Sea grain agreements. These agreements allowed Ukraine to⁣ export grain⁢ and other agricultural products despite the Russian⁣ blockade in the Black Sea. After the suspension of the agreements,​ the ports on the Danube became the main route for⁤ Ukraine’s grain exports.

Several Ukrainian ‌regions, including‌ Poltava, Kirovohrad,⁣ Dnipro, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, Odessa, and Kherson, reported alerts⁤ in the early ‍hours of today. Russian​ air defense successfully shot down three Ukrainian ⁤drones in the Kaluga region, but ⁢there were no casualties or damage ‌from the attack.

1 thought on “Plavidlo Joseph Schulte: Nový koridor v Černém moři pro komerční plavidla”

  1. Wow, this is great news for international trade! The new corridor in the Black Sea will definitely boost commercial shipping and promote economic growth.


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