The race is: run
Meet: Javier Milei (wiki), leading the Argentine presidential election with 32.5% in the polls. Really no point in delving into his actual program, but at a glance it comes down to: abolishing almost all ministries, fiat money and the federal reserve – see after the break. It’s a pro-Trump libertarian and’tantric sex coach’ [dat zijn alle libertariërs dus geen idee waarom de media daar zo’n punt van maken] who is against abortion but for introducing Bitcoin as legal tender. You study his YouTube page herez’n Twitter there. Exceptional entertainment after the break.
the way of men
HODL (end the fed)
1 man versus The Fed
I have no idea what he is saying here (about gender) but he is right
Anyway true
It has been told (yes that is Dutch): A10s determine history
The victory
2023-08-15 19:00:49
#GeenStijl #Argentina #Farright #tantra #coach #Bitcoin #anarchocapitalist #leads #polls