This was not expected from a star.
Larisa Luzhina did not hide her true attitude towards all representatives of the acting profession. Suddenly, a celebrity made a loud statement that could hurt many of her colleagues in the shop.
The star called the artists slaves who have nothing of their own. According to Luzhina, the actors are more dependent on other people’s opinions and even thoughts than others.
“We play other people’s lives” – she noted in an interview with the portal “Arguments and Facts».
The artist clarified that these are the costs of her profession and there is no getting away from them. In addition, the celebrity noted that, unlike many Russians, she does not hold a grudge against Alla Pugacheva, who not so long ago publicly called her compatriots slaves. Luzhina stressed that “we are all serfs” and this will never change.
“All my life we have been and will be, especially actors,”– summed up Larisa Anatolyevna.