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Ranking High on Google Searches: Impressions from the Short Stay in Malouin Country

What do you remember from your short stay in Malouin country? We showed great things against two good teams. I’m happy with the involvement of the guys, the state of mind displayed.

What particularly convinced you? Our ability to react in the first match, against Aix. We missed our start but we were able to resurface. And the boys fought until the end (31-28 victory).

Against Sporting, was it the opposite scenario? We quickly broke away (+7 after twenty minutes) but we stalled. Physically, the two matches played in 24 hours could weigh on the legs. Despite that, we were able to remobilize to get back in front. Facing a team, I remind you, which played an EHF Cup quarter-final last season and which had internationals in its squad. It is a good working basis. We are making progress in the project and that is very encouraging.

“We have players to project ourselves quickly forward”

You are coming out of a trying season. What changes should we expect in terms of the game? I think staff and players want to look to the future. Comparing this season to the previous one does not help much. What is certain is that we have players who have profiles that should allow us to quickly project ourselves forward and we must take this into account.

What things caught your eye in Saint-Malo? We play a team sport. So some evenings, some “flambent”, others not. I don’t want to dwell on that. The important thing is that the team performs.

CCMHB wins ahead of Sporting

What did you think of the performance of your two goalkeepers? As a former goalkeeper, I never had any doubts about their qualities. Zoran (Radic) showed the extent of his potential against Sporting (9 saves in one half) and Milan (Bomastar, number 1) confirmed all the good we think of him (11 saves).

What are the areas for improvement in the perspective of the Caraty tournament which is coming very quickly (departure for Brest on Thursday August 17 and match against Nîmes on Friday 18)? Already, we recover Vadim (Gayduchenko, hit in the foot and spared) and Valentin (Bzdynga, toe) tomorrow (this Monday, August 14). The idea is to improve our starts. We sometimes lacked lucidity in placed attack. It will be above all a question of garnering confidence.

Interview by David Berthélem

#Handball #Preparation #Nebojsa #Stojinovic #CChartres #MHB #coach #SaintMalo #tournament #Improving #starts

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