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The Unbearable Withdrawal Symptoms and Media Shadow: Roger Federer and Alain Berset’s Struggles for Public Presence

The withdrawal symptoms in the absence of public presence must be unbearable – and life in the shadow of the media almost unbearable.

Roger Federer was the first to suffer from this insidious syndrome. As soon as Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal had snatched the Grand Slam record from him, there was only one way for the retired maestro – he had to storm foreign stages and promoted himself to rock singer on the short official route. At the Letzigrund, he appeared on stage at the Coldplay concert as the surprise guest of frontman Chris Martin and above all proved something: he mastered the strings of the tennis racket better than those of the air guitar. And he hit the notes in the various winner interviews much more precisely than those on the music stage.

Alain Berset was once a national class athlete. But he only became a media star as a health apostle during the pandemic. Not a day went by – without the fun-loving Romand explaining life (and its rules) to us in a new way.

Now Corona is snow from the day before yesterday – and Berset is on his way to retirement. Apparently he is already afraid of stepping offside. There is no other explanation for the fact that he suddenly swung onto a Love Mobile on Saturday with a feather boa, summer hat and sunglasses on the Zurich Street Parade and danced there for the best.

At his side: fellow raving fellow Fabian Molina. The fact that the street parade went right past Ringier’s press building was probably not entirely inconvenient for Berset.

Either way. He was sure of the headlines – and the limelight as well. Nevertheless, the staging somehow didn’t fit.

The suspicion is that the Federal President was in the wrong film – and did not even notice it.

2023-08-13 14:06:56
#Allure #limelight #Federal #President #Berset #retirement #Apparently #afraid #stepping #offside #explain #appearance #feather #boa #Zurich #Street #Parade #Die #Weltwoche

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