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The Best Treatment for Burns: What to Do and What Not to Do

A burn with a burn as a result is in a small corner. This can be caused by the sun, by everyday activities, by contact with fire, electricity or a chemical liquid. What is the best thing to do and what not to do? Let’s sort it out.

Accident with hot liquid

Most burns are caused by an accident with a hot liquid. Coffee or tea accidentally gets on your skin. Or a (grand)child grabs something from the table and knocks over a mug of hot drink, resulting in burns. This is the main cause in children up to 4 years old. In addition, men get burns more often than women.

1,000 people per year to a burn center

In most cases, these are first-degree burns. This also includes a sunburn. But every year about 1,000 people in the Netherlands get such severe burns that they have to be treated at 1 of the 3 burn centers. They are located in Beverwijk, Rotterdam and Groningen.

The first treatment of a burn

There are 3 types of burns: first degree, second degree and third degree. The start of treatment is the same for all 3. Cool the spot immediately under the tap or shower for 10 to 20 minutes. Use lukewarm water for this, in a jet that is not too hard. Cooling stops the burning in the skin. Do not use cold water, this can cause hypothermia and often causes pain. When running water is not available, wet rags can also help. And according Thuisarts.nl even submerging in a ditch is better than doing nothing.

Clothes stuck in the wound? Then let it sit

Then remove clothing from the spot. Is something stuck in the wound, such as clothing or jewelry? Then let it sit. Otherwise, the skin can only be damaged more. Try not to touch the burn, as touching increases the risk of infection.

Do not apply ointments to a burn

Absolutely do not apply ointment to the wound, this will not help the process. If a wound is open, you can cover it with cling film, sterile dressing or a clean cloth after cooling. Provide blankets or a jacket or vest if the person with the burn gets cold.

Children have thinner skin

The above first aid applies to both adults and children. But an important difference between adults and children: children’s skin is much thinner and more sensitive. What can only feel like ‘hot’ to an adult can already cause a (serious) burn in children. Think of a hot slide or a hot seat on the bike. Always go to the doctor with a baby, toddler or toddler if it has a burn. Different rules apply to adults, which we will explain in a moment.

Read also: What to do with a burnt mouth?

The different types of burns and when should you see a doctor?

First degree burn

There is only a dry, red spot on the skin. The wound heals within a few days. After cooling, no further treatment or dressing is required. Are you in a lot of pain? Then take paracetamol.

A sunburn is a first-degree burn.

Superficial second degree burn

A superficial second-degree burn looks pinkish-red, shiny, and blisters develop. These wounds usually heal within 2 weeks. Treatment for this wound depends on how big the blisters are, where they are, and whether they are whole or broken. You can treat minor wounds yourself. If the burn becomes redder and more painful after a few days or if yellow-green fluid comes out, it is advisable to see a doctor.

In case of blisters on the face, on hands, feet, genitals or around a joint, it is advisable to contact the doctor. It is best to leave the blisters whole, unless they bother you a lot. A blister provides the best protection for the skin underneath. Cover an open blister with paraffin gauze and a plaster or bandage.

A second-degree wound often has blisters.

Deep second degree burn

A deep second-degree burn is blotchy pinkish-red, with white patches. Blisters also form here. Often there is almost no pain experienced with this burn, that is because it is deeper in the skin and nerves can be damaged. Healing takes longer than 3 weeks and scarring may occur. You may be given a tetanus shot if you have not had one before or if it has been more than 10 years.

It is generally recommended to see a doctor with such a burn, unless the burn is very minor or not bothersome. Then treat it like a superficial second-degree burn. When you do go to the doctor, bandage the wound with plastic wrap or a greasy gauze. A skilled person will likely apply a gel-forming dressing. This needs to be replaced less often than a normal bandage. Have these wounds checked after 1 to 2 days.

A third-degree burn that is healing.

Third degree burns

These should always be evaluated by a doctor. You often have to go to the burn center. The skin then looks white-yellow, brown or black. Usually no pain is experienced, because the nerve endings are burned. Here too, it is recommended to get a tetanus shot if the previous shot was too long ago.

In the hospital or specialist center, dead, burned skin is carefully removed. After that, a skin graft from another part of the body can be used to create new skin and allow it to heal. This is a process that takes several weeks or sometimes even months, depending on how much skin has been burned and how bad the burn is.

(Source: Thuisarts, Dutch Burns Foundation, LUMC. Photos: Shutterstock)

2023-08-12 04:02:17

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