It’s a radiant sun that will shine today on Lille. The values will be 17°C at the minimum and 24°C at the highest. In the morning, temperatures will be 20°C. A light westerly breeze will blow. Temperatures will be between 21°C and 24°C in the afternoon. A south-westerly wind is forecast: it will blow at 25 km/h. Clearings will appear in the evening. Values around 19°C are expected. We will go from Saturday to Sunday on a clear night.
Tomorrow, a decrease in mercury is expected in Lille. It will be 19°C on average. A southwesterly wind will refresh the atmosphere a little. Thinnings are expected: we will spend a mild morning. The thermometer will show an average of 20°C. The sky will still be overcast tomorrow afternoon with clouds. The sky will gradually cloud over with the appearance of clouds. Temperatures will range from 22 to 23°C.
Few changes for the future. The weather will be relatively sunny with temperatures around 27°C.
2023-08-12 00:40:15
#Weather #forecast #Saturday #August #Lille