The phenomenon of the Perseid meteor shower will adorn the night sky around the world and reach its peak on August 12-13 2023.
Head of the Space Research Center for the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Emanuel Sungging revealed that the peak of the Perseid meteor shower in Indonesia can be seen during observation time at 00.14-05.36 WIB.
The best way to see shooting stars is to find a remote lookout away from city lights.
Then, let your eyes get used to the darkness for 20 minutes. After that, you can sit or lie down and look at the sky.
See more in the following video.
Author: Alicia Diahwahyuningtyas
Scriptwriter: Arini Kusuma Jati
Narrator: Arini Kusuma Jati
Video Editor: Adimas Afif Nugroho
Producer: Abba Gabrillin
Music by Light-Gazing – Andrew Langdon
#PerseidMeteorRain #FenomenaMeteorRain #JernihkanHarapan #RagamKompasCom
2023-08-11 14:11:00
#Perseid #Meteor #Shower #August #Heres #Process