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The Impact of Physical Exercise on Brain Health: Blood Circulation, Neurogenesis, Gray Matter Development, and More

We all already know that physical exercises are essential to maintain our health and to have a toned body. But what happens in the brain when you move?

Neuroresearcher Sanam Hafeez revealed to purewow.com what are the physiological reactions in the brain during physical activity. Here’s what happens in your brain when you do sports:

Blood circulation in the brain is stimulated

“Physical activity stimulates the release of substances that dilate blood vessels, which leads to an increase in blood circulation to the brain, and therefore, an increase in oxygen intake. Thus, the health and functioning of the brain are improved”, says Dr. Hafeez. Furthermore, research has shown that physical activity improves cognitive performance.

Are loc neurogeneza

A run in the park not only leads to the temporary stimulation of blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain, but can also have some long-term benefits.

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“It has been shown that physical activity leads to the creation of new neurons in the hippocampus, a region of the brain essential for learning and memory,” says the specialist. In a study carried out in 2018, it was discovered that neurogenesis (the formation of new neurons) in the hippocampus has the effect of not only improving memory and learning ability, but also slowing cognitive decline. Thus, physical exercises can help prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia.

Gray matter development

Regular physical activity was also associated with improved attention, concentration and problem-solving ability. Not only the hippocampus develops during physical exercises. In a study whose results were published in the specialized journal Frontiers in Psychology, scientists discovered that moderate exercises, carried out regularly, can lead to an increase in the gray matter in the frontal part of the brain, responsible for attention, concentration and ability problem solving.

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Endorphins are released

You probably already knew this, but Dr Hafeez confirms that “exercise stimulates the release of endorphins in the brain, which contribute to a general state of happiness”. If you have the habit of doing sports, then you recognize that pleasant state you have immediately after a workout. Endorphins are hormones produced by the brain to reduce pain and are released both during pleasant and stressful activities. Once released, the endorphins attach to the receptors in the reward center of the brain, and the result is a pleasant, euphoric state.

Neurotransmitters are released that regulate mood

In addition to endorphins, physical activity also increases the production of dopamine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters have a direct impact on mood regulation, as well as sleep. “It has been shown that physical exercises are an effective method to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety by stimulating the release of neurotransmitters that improve the state of mind,” declares the doctor.

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Now that you know the benefits of physical activity on the brain, you may be wondering what happens when you don’t exercise.

Here are the effects of a sedentary life on the brain, according to specialists:

blood circulation in the brain is reduced and has the effect of lowering the oxygen level and a lower supply of nutrients to the brain cells, which can affect their health and functioning, says the doctor.
the production of neurotransmitters is lowand the result could be a worse mood and a greater risk of developing mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.
increases the level of cortisol. “Physical activity helps regulate stress hormones, including cortisol, and that means stress levels can stay high if you don’t exercise, which can lead to chronic stress and anxiety.”
the quality of sleep is reduced. “A sedentary life affects healthy sleep patterns and leads to poor sleep quality, which in turn accentuates cognitive deficits and mood disorders,” explains the neuroscientist.
brain volume decreases. A 2020 study showed that a sedentary lifestyle can result in a decrease in brain volume. More precisely, the result is a reduction of gray matter in regions of the brain essential for memory and cognition.

Photo: freepik.com

2023-08-11 05:13:55
#brain #sports #neuroresearcher #Andreea #Raicu

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