Four animated films for young audiences, Ciné-Cool and a choice program: the La Scala cinema is reopening its dark rooms with bright perspectives. Young and old moviegoers have an appointment from this Wednesday, August 16th.
The Republican Lorrain – Today at 07:00
Closed since July 12 due to summer holidays, the La Scala cinema, 63 boulevard Foch in Thionville, will reopen its doors on August 16. Several events are already scheduled in its two rooms with 191 and 104 seats each.
To start, the Little Films Festival, aimed at young audiences, will offer four animated films from August 16 to September 3, including two previews: Enchanted gardens , Gluttonous Bears , Captains! , Nina and the Secret of the Hedgehog.
Ciné-Cool from August 26 to September 2
From August 26 to September 2, it’s time for the Ciné-Cool operation: an initiative from the Grand-Est region that offers cinema tickets for 5 euros. In these times, it’s always good to take…
On the programming side, faithful to its Art and Essay label, La Scala will broadcast films such as Enchanted gardens , Elementary, Dry herbs , Reality or Sabotage.
The last Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival
While waiting for August 23 and the screening of the highly anticipated film by Justine Triet, Anatomy of a fall the last Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival.
For further information: tel. 03 82 82 25 34.
#Thionville #Cinema #Scala #awaits #August